Gaming thoughts, bite-size chewables - new orange flavor!


Ars Praetorian
Jumped into The Callisto Protocol and enjoying it. Expected a Dead Space-ish experience and so far it's delivering. A little too much vent crawling already, which is a bit concerning.

Playing on "Dismemberment Mode" which makes limbs fly off in one hit. Definitely makes it much easier to just shoot the legs out of some of the more tiresome enemies and then stomp them a couple times.

Speaking of stomping, how did they manage to mess it up so badly? I was in a room waiting for a thing to do a thing while fighting waves of enemies, so corpses were all over the floor. Had one zombie, we'll call him Greg, crawling toward me, obviously upset that I just popped off one of his legs like a cheap piñata. I try to stomp Greg in the face as he gets close but instead my character turns to the side to stomp on some other already-very-dead body on the floor. WTF. I try to stomp a couple more times but again my character decides that this dead bastard on the floor is more important than Greg, who has been merrily gnawing away at my nether regions this entire time.

Stomping in Dead Space was so simple, no auto aiming, just a little AOE and that's it. It doesn't need to be any more complex than that.
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Ars Tribunus Militum
Treated myself to Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth from the Steam sale yesterday, ready to tackle a new large-scale game. All the reviews talked about how vibrant Hawaii is and the polish on the minigames there. Great!

Two hours of play later, still in Yokohama as part of what I assume is the prologue. Oh, right. JRPGs. Glacial pacing...


Ars Scholae Palatinae
I thought I was going to skip the steam summer sale, but frostpunk and celeste for ~$5 total? Been eyeing frostpunk for a while, and I think I'm going to enjoy diving in to that.

Celeste is outside my usual wheelhouse, but I've been needing a controller game that I can pick up for a 10-20 minute session, and it seems universally beloved. I've only gotten through maybe the first 20 screens and I think it might be more hardcore than me, but it does feel pretty good when you finally get it.
Celeste is outside my usual wheelhouse, but I've been needing a controller game that I can pick up for a 10-20 minute session, and it seems universally beloved. I've only gotten through maybe the first 20 screens and I think it might be more hardcore than me, but it does feel pretty good when you finally get it.
It also has a soundtrack that just slaps. I like precision platformers, and I beat the game. But I made NO attempt to collect all the b-sides or strawberries. I’m not that much of a masochist.
I'm playing Selaco right now, and it's pretty great. It's an FPS based on the GZDoom engine, so it's 2.5d with voxel elements, but the gameplay is sort of like a combo of the Half-Life 1 marines / FEAR and Doom 2016 - it's fast-paced, the enemies feel smart, and it's got over-the-top particle effects and lighting. The level design almost feels like an immersive sim in some ways, and there's tons of secrets. That said, the first area is very same-y and finding your way through it visually is difficult.

Definitely worth getting if you like FPS games and are OK with some exploration elements - it's not an arena shooter, you do have to work out some simple puzzles and backtrack to progress.
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I was going to try the budget ($21) version of Suicide Squad but instead decided to play teh Witcher 3, which I own but never touched before. I like it, it's neat storytelling/diaglog (ie they figure things out and I don't have to spell everything out including equipping the right Q button effect to light something on fire like candles or torchies).

But still, steep learning curve. I suck at the combat, lots of Diablo-style left click spam, and since I'm using an MX Keys keyboard for Mac, I'm having trouble mapping my pinky to the "alt" (option/un-apple-like-arcane-symbol) key. I frequently mix up the alt and windows keys on this thing because they're laid out weird and aren't labeled as such :-/

Also, I'm underleveled for all the quests. I guess maybe I'm supposed to wander out into the wilderness and have random fights to level up so I can so I can start the main quests with appropriate leveling? I'm like 2, or 3, or (now) 4, but the quests are for higher levels. Le sigh.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Also, I'm underleveled for all the quests. I guess maybe I'm supposed to wander out into the wilderness and have random fights to level up so I can so I can start the main quests with appropriate leveling? I'm like 2, or 3, or (now) 4, but the quests are for higher levels. Le sigh.
Dont be afraid to turn the difficulty down one notch if its your first Witcher game.

Its definitely not Dark Souls hard but most enemies can kill you pretty quick if you mess around on default difficulty.

Get immersed on an easier setting, figure out what all te things do, and have some fun. You can turn it back up when you feel ready; 80% of the game is "the middle" so outside a main story quest leading up to a boss, you really wont ever run into a wall by doing so
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
One concern about turning it down too far is that I could skate by without getting into some of the other systems, like whatever they’re doing for “gem sockets” (in Diablo it’s gems in this game is ?runes?).

But yes, I am never shy to do that if finding I’m hitting a wall. I’m being moderately cautious but it’s fine. I will try re-mapping that dodge key, this keyboard just isn’t a good gaming choice (I gave my RGB monstrosity keyboard to my kiddo who mocks my current PC setup now).

Thanks for the tips! This is a great game, and a welcome change from my recent ruts of FO4 (still a great game), and Factorio.