I think one of the most frustrating things about that debate was that all Biden had to really do was show up, look alert and reply to the moderator's questions with simplified, truthful answers inviting follow up or even inviting speculation but not using up all the time allotted and then basically ignore Trump except to reply to his claims with what amounts to essentially, "Prove it, criminal." Biden came in to the debate with everything to lose and a very simple way to win, and Trump came in with nothing to lose because he has no real credibility anymore yet somehow Biden managed to toss his chance for witty, accusatory replies for the most part, and to miss the chance for simple, honest answers about the actual issues. Most of the issues the country faces boil down to: "Yes, that is a very serious problem and as an administration, we are trying very hard to address it in a humane and effective manner." The details follow the situation in question; Housing, Israel/Gaza, Ukraine, Crime, Border, Economy, etc. They all require nuanced and careful, planned response, not grandstanding, pointless moralizing, or partisan bickering intended to garner reelection rather than progress and solutions.
Yes, the USA needs new and younger/more dynamic leadership but more than that, it needs effective and cooperative leadership that behaves as a professional organization instead of childish and selfish. Given the current choices, we have to pick the lesser or 2 declining and compromised individuals but it is pretty clear that one at least wants to try to retain some level of professionalism and what amounts to the modern version of honor in the role of government. The other wants to line his pockets (via the pockets of his business cronies, family, etc.) and stroke his own ego at any expense.
I wish we had better options but that has to start from the ground up, really. We need to boot the scum that is getting elected across the system instead of thinking that it's funny to see people like Bobert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Al Franken, and others who have made a mockery of the legislative system. We need to push that new legislative body and the press to require/pressure the Supreme Court to clean up its act (bribery, etc.) to come inline with protecting the actual Constitution instead of just the bits their favorite friends and donors like, or the parts that align with their own religious and political views.
I think, basically that I am saying that our current and recent selection of presidential candidates are a result of the American people in general having gamified the election on all levels, turning it into 'I want my person to win rather than I want the whole country to win.'