Meanwhile, the data site founded by Silver—which he
recently exited—doesn’t seem to agree with his model at all: FiveThirtyEight forecasts the race as a “pure toss-up,” with Biden being
slight favorite at 51 percent to Trump’s 49 percent, according to current polling. In fact, Biden is “favored to win in 509 out of 1,000 of our model’s simulations,”
wrote the site’s editorial director, G. Elliott Morris.
“The rising national tide has lifted Biden’s boat in Michigan and Wisconsin... though Trump still edges him out in Pennsylvania,” Morris explained. “Our model’s current estimate of the gap between the winning candidate’s margin nationally and in the Electoral College is currently D+1.4 points—meaning Biden needs to win the national popular vote by 1.4 points to be favored to win a majority of electoral votes.”
Silver’s assessment of the electoral landscape is remarkably different.
“The candidate who I honest-to-God think has a better chance (Trump) isn’t the candidate I’d rather have win (Biden),” he
wrote. “If the Electoral College/popular vote gap looks
anything like it did in 2016 or 2020, you’d expect Biden to be in deep trouble if the popular vote is roughly tied. So if we’re being honest, pundits who obsess over whether Biden is 1 point ahead in
national polls are kind of missing the point.”
According to Silver’s latest forecast, Trump has a 66 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, while Biden is narrowly favored to win the popular vote. Silver also predicts that independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will negatively impact turnout for the Democratic president.