Yep. Don't depend on any revelatory self-awareness. This is an in-the-trenches battle for the existence of the entire regulatory framework that was implemented since at least the 60s, and if that is achieved, they will come for the New Deal.
We are already funding religious schools and have legal gerrymandering and vote suppression. The VRA is being gutted. The EPA is being restricted. Title IX is being used to reverse its intended function. The SC is using 18th—and 19th-century traditions as a guide for ruling on current laws and issues.
And here we have a few literal nerds needing to geek-splain why a fairly broad provision in law needs to be restricted as if it's a spec for the manufacture of a very narrow range of products.
We are already funding religious schools and have legal gerrymandering and vote suppression. The VRA is being gutted. The EPA is being restricted. Title IX is being used to reverse its intended function. The SC is using 18th—and 19th-century traditions as a guide for ruling on current laws and issues.
And here we have a few literal nerds needing to geek-splain why a fairly broad provision in law needs to be restricted as if it's a spec for the manufacture of a very narrow range of products.