Not today, but yesterday, we had our first power outage since we had our solar power system installed. Mrs. F and I were out picking up some pizzas for the tribe, and we noticed that traffic lights were out, so we called Beeba (our son). Conversation went like this:
Mrs. Foolery: Is the power out?
Beeba: Nope.
Mrs. Foolery: The power is actually out, the house is running on batteries. (You can tell in the app, it tells you how much is coming in from the grid, how much is going out, how much is coming from the Powerwalls)
Beeba: Um, okay.
Mrs. Foolery: Can you turn off all of your compute devices, turn off Dad's computers, have Squeaky do the same, and turn off the lights? We don't know how long we will be out, and we should probably conserve battery power for the important things, like refrigerators and freezers. Oh, and turn off the air conditioning.
Once the servers and workstations were down, barely a trickle was being pulled from the batteries. While we were eating pizza, the power came back on. Batteries had not been used that much, but (because Tesla) they immediately started pulling from the grid to top off.
On Saturday, Beeba passed his driving test. He has an appointment this morning to go to the MVD to get his license. No more chauffeur duty, HUZZAH!