Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda


Ars Tribunus Militum
Machine Age is out, 3.12 is out. I'm not seeing anything that gets me interested in paying $25.

I always wait on the DLC until a Steam sale puts it at ~50% or so. Full price just isn't worth it.

I just started a v3.12 game, and so far I'm liking the automod traits (e.g., Adaptive Frames for robots). No more micromanaging species based on their job. Only minor drawback I'm seeing is that I have to keep the Robot Assembly Plants around even after gaining Engineered Evolution and building out Clone Vats/Gene Clinics. (This dev diary describes it.)

Not really liking that robots have a habitat preference now, however, though I get the logic of it.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I continued a game from prior to the latest DLC set to all crisis curious to see how it would play out. Spiritualist empire awakened and I promptly got 6 event alerts related to it. rounding PI to a whole number, messing with the fabric of the universe, and spawning shround entities.
The annoying thing? It is 2440 and still no megastructure research.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Picked up Machine Age and started a new game for the first time in... 18 months or so? Promptly forgot how much of a stats time sink it was when I looked at the clock last night and realized I'd played till 2:30 AM and had only advanced things around 10 years. I can't resist micro managing All The Things.

Playing a Gestalt machine caretaker civ for the first time. The Supreme leader's name is Norman. And he wants to take care of you.

Edit: once again, though, I've got to find a better portrait gallery for machines that don't look like 1960's B-movie props. Devs/artists should take a page from Cyberpunk.
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As much as I wanna experience new Stellaris content, unless their free weekend is all DLC enabled for free too, the game's DLC is just too expensive.

Even when they're on sale, I feel like I need 3-4 DLC to actually have a significantly different experience in the game, and at $10 a pack, that's $30-40 bucks. Even the oldest larger DLC packs don't go under $10. It's not even like the oldest DLC becomes cheap over time, MegaCorp and Utopia are still at the asking price of $20/$10 (on sale). Those came out in 2017 and 2018, they're well over 5 years old.
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