Satisfactory: A Factorio/Subnautica Hybrid about to be in Early Access


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
This is the normal way to do it. There's a spot at the western edge of the Swamp that has Bauxite, Sulfur, and Water next to each other, and coal nodes about 500m away. Uranium in a cave right next to it as well.
I haven't spread my power network out there yet. I was thinking of an area smack dab in the middle of the map, just north of where I already have a bauxite node being drilled (and already have power).

There is a sulfur node up there, and coal, and bauxite, and water. Not sure what quality or how close they are to water. I was making my way up there to scan for them again (have tobe close or other nodes ping instead) but then work started so I'll have to put it off for now.

Honestly, my next step SHOULD be to get the second forth of the oil power station up. Then I should make the battery station, because it will be less complicated then my (step 3) ECR/rotor/circuit board factory which I have all laid out. Then I should 4) make a better EIB factory. THEN I should be ready for nuclear.

I want to make a single uranium node plant (5/min) that supports 25 nuclear power plants. But even after that, the next step is figuring out what to do with the waste. The planner I'm using ( seems to shut down when you try to output plutonium fuel rods, even when I input my uranium waste.


Ars Legatus Legionis
5/min is a lot of Uranium rods, and you don't need anywhere near that to complete Phase 4 in a reasonable timeframe. My last run I was doing 1 or 2/min at the end, with plenty of headroom.

As far as waste, honestly I just ship it to the edge of the map and build a container farm just in-bounds. Going through the whole process just to sink the Plutonium rods always seemed like a waste to me, when there's plenty of space to toss the...waste...where I'll only ever have to go back to add another couple of storage containers on the line.

The planner I'm using ( seems to shut down when you try to output plutonium fuel rods, even when I input my uranium waste.
You're probably trying to calculate too high an output, or used too low an input. 5 Uranium rods per minute gets you 250 Waste per minute, which is only good for 1.25 Plutonium rods per minute. If you attempt to calculate more Plutonium than that or do it with less Uranium Waste, it'll bomb on you. Otherwise it will work, just need to make sure you're putting the Waste in the Items, Input tab.



Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Hmmm... I must have lost my last post. Yeah, I figured out the problem and I even found a good site for the reclamation of the waste. Sure I could just dump it, but I'd feel bad about that. Only problem is that it is going to take a portion of my ECR, though I have enough per second to cover it. I was trying to figure out how I could split them so that each site got the right amount, but then I figured it out last night when I should have been sleeping. I just needed to make two containers and then use splitters so that the right percentage goes into each container and the drones pull from the correct container.

I've also decided I'm going to hold off on all of that. I think I'll wait until the 1.0 release. I'll probably start in another area as well. I liked the way I set up my place, and I feel like there are certain places that are setup for certain things.

One thing I didn't like is how coal was pretty scarce, but needed for steel and aluminum. I want to start on my sky-track early next time. I'm trying to think if I want to do things like have trains dedicated to certain places, or trains dedicated to certain materials. Like perhaps a coal train that just travels all over picking up and dropping off coal.

Next time I also want to set up my storage center in a better way. I did love it, but it needed to be much larger. When I got to the endgame and they introduced more items, I didn't have the expansion I needed. Also, I should set it up so that every item gets at least two boxes. Some should have four or six.

I need to make all of my bases off the ground. There is plenty of flat space, it's called the sky. The main thing I need to remember is to set up plenty of ramps and places to get up to the base. Also, when I do start exploring, I want to create a central area I can get back to my base from. Too often I've been out exploring, I get too much stuff, or just decide to head home... and I'm in the middle of nowhere with a huge trek to get back. I think I need to claim the world more. I need to put down ramps and streets and everything early. I need to have my long pipes or belts be riding on foundations.

Anyway, I'm going to probably hold off playing for a bit. Can't wait to see what1.0 brings. A use for SAM and the artifacts. The removal of beacons. The re-balancing of recipes. More of a plot maybe.


Ars Legatus Legionis
I'm trying to think if I want to do things like have trains dedicated to certain places, or trains dedicated to certain materials
From what I understand, the ideal train setup is one station per material, one train per material, one car per train. These should all, ideally, run on a two-track system, one direction per track, and be switched so that the trains correctly direct themselves to their respective station, which is not on the track itself but on a branch so that it doesn't interrupt the flow of traffic.

The above is a giant nightmare to get working, but it's pretty cool when it does.


Ars Praefectus


Read 'em and weep, or something. My (extremely non-cosmetic) factory is not particular enough that this will probably matter, or I can just run new source lines. And I expect there will eventually be youtubeable summaries of any plot triggers I'm missing. Going through the earlier stages again might be fun at some point, but it's also a lot of tedium to go back through, especially once you're used to having access to better ways. I just wish they'd quit dancing around the 1.0 business. I get that they want to make a splash, but the info blackout really takes the game off the radar.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Lots of news, most of it good, the rest is neutral.
Definitely want to start a new game with v1.0.
Also, sounds like my fuel generator tower will become even more viable, and they didn't change any of the nodes I needed for it. I'll probably begin stockpiling materials for it earlier rather than later and may even have a lot of it built by the time I unlock fuel generators.


Ars Scholae Palatinae
I haven't really played enough that I have opinions about the map changes but those recipe changes look really nice. So far, automating computer manufacture has been where my games have ground to a halt because everything seems to get a lot more complicated at that point. Need to go further afield to find oil, so trains would be helpful, but trains need computers. My coal power infrastructure is getting a bit overstretched, so fuel power looks tempting, but that needs computers too, and so on and so forth. So I need to figure out where I'm building them, and then how to ship in the necessary plastic without trains, which seems like a faff.

None of which is insurmountable of course, not least because computers can be bought with company scrip to jumpstart the extra infrastructure, but the extra planning involved normally means that that's about the time I take a break, and when I do jump back in, I don't find it the easiest point to jump back in at. End result, I've gotten quite good (I think) at the first two space elevator deliveries but haven't really progressed much beyond that. Having a smoother progression into Tier 5 sounds good to me.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I'm not sure if this is helpful to most people, but the way I got to my endgame seems to be pretty different that what I've seen others doing. What I've done is make some blueprints, one for constructors, one for assemblers, and one for manufacturers. They all have electrical hookups and input boxes. Generally I would build a number of them, then just drop what I needed into them and have them all set to max overclock and would set them to produce what I needed. Obviously this doesn't work for liquids or gases, but for most of the items I didn't make a dedicated factory, I just threw the ingredients into whatever builder it needed. The assembler, for example, had four assemblers all of which were overclocked. They pulled from the same containers (though due to differences in the belt lengths, you had to move the last dregs into a machine manually). The manufacturers were so big, I could only do two per blueprint, but for larger or slower jobs, you just put down multiple blueprints and loaded them all up.

Just a slight alternative to the people who were making dedicated factories for every little thing. I had dedicated factories for anything that needed liquids or gases, like aluminum.

Honestly, power is your biggest factor at that point. I'm going to be a lot more into stretching my power cables all over the place. And if you didn't already know, putting down foundations stops enemies from spawning too closely, so I tend to drop those anywhere I have to fight something. Means I tend to not have to fight stuff every time I run through a place.
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Ars Praefectus
New price point will be $39.99 after the Steam sale. Probably preaching to the choir in this thread, but now's as good a time to pick it up as there likely will be.

Also, teasing that an announcement about the 1.0 date might be soon. IMO they just need to get it on the board. If they slip they slip, but the lack of meaningful communication has been a real drag.



Ars Tribunus Militum
New price point will be $39.99 after the Steam sale. Probably preaching to the choir in this thread, but now's as good a time to pick it up as there likely will be.

Also, teasing that an announcement about the 1.0 date might be soon. IMO they just need to get it on the board. If they slip they slip, but the lack of meaningful communication has been a real drag.


Factorio announced today that they will be announcing the release date for the xpac next Friday. Seems to be going around a lot lately.
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