Warframe: Jade Shadows

Speaking of Orb Vallis bounties, we need three this week for nightwave so I wandered down, knowing that there's probably a mod or two that I'm missing from rewards and

1. There should be an easier way to tell if you need something other than looking at the bounty sheet and typing in [mecha x] [mecha y] [mecha z], etc. to see how many of each you own

2. Narmer bounties should be up permanently and not just when it's day or night on earth which has what-all to do with Venus anyway?
In general I've noticed that the game doesn't give you as much information about your mod count as it could/should. Yes, you get the "new" designation when you first get it, but when looking at bounties you don't have the information that you could.

Orb Vallis/PoE bounties are on such a weird timer and I have yet to see the Narmer bounties show up. Not that I run many of their bounties either way, but mostly I just see the SP version of the bounties and wonder who would subject themselves to an SP bounty with identical rewards to the same level 40-50 mission.

Finally got an affinity booster from daily logon, hit MR 27 saturday night, and then grinded Railjack intrinsics to a decent level (6-8-7-7-7). I tried grinding Duviri intrinsics, but ended up nearly falling asleep and having no patience for the group that wanted to like full clear the whole map.

If you want to do your rep fast and don't care about the bounty rewards, hunting is the way to go: get the bait for Kubrodons and all the tranq upgrade items (and make a good Ivara loadout for perfect captures) and about 4 hunts (depending upon how many Incarnadines you get which are 8K rep each) will handle your daily rep.

Thankfully I finished most of Fortuna before I stopped playing, I came back to already being rank 5 - Old Mate with them. Most of my rep I need now is for random things like Moas (done, just need to build/level/gild the last one), and fortuna kitguns. I didn't sell off gems and stuff like that so I've been turning in Goblite and other gems to get them to a solid, but less huge stockpile. I had 300+, I'll probably stop at 100 of each in case random things come back up.

Got the Kuva Bramma in a quick lucky first... parazon slot thing? I did use one of my Oull charges, was just planning to use it to speed along my second parazon slot upgrade. Creating new Kuva Liches isn't near as bad as I thought. It's a quick romp through Sedna(?) Exterminate/Capture missions.

Orphix missions in railjack are cancer. I guess most people slack on necramechs and operator amps, but the veil one is tough getting through a single rotation. Reminds me that I have a solid amount to complete in Deimos for vault runs and getting bonewidow up to speed.

Archon mods (well all I care about is Archon Stretch) and Galvanized mods definitely make me concerned about Endo and credits like never before. Bringing a mod to R9 already feels like a huge hit, and I still need to get Galavanized secondary mods. That said, R9 is fine. I converted all my Anasa sculptures though, and was underwhelmed to only get 60-90k endo for my fairly large and fully star socketed collection. Endo farms are pretty easy, at least.
but mostly I just see the SP version of the bounties and wonder who would subject themselves to an SP bounty with identical rewards to the same level 40-50 mission.

It's so you can do it once and clear the planet in SP so you get the 25 essence gift. But other than that, nope.

I tried grinding Duviri intrinsics,

I wouldn't ever focus on doing that because Duviri in general is less fun when you're not getting EXP from it anymore and that'll happen a long time before anyone is even close to being done with Duviri.

And pubbing for them, usually no one has a Nekramech, so it just gets worse...

I had no idea that it let people even jump in without one. That's crazy. Orphix was tolerable for us only because it gave us something new as a squad to figure out how to min/max, trying to figure out complementary loadouts and tactics for endless missions but wow, going in there with pure leeches?

I think there's so much overload for new players now that they never learn things, either, because they just assume they can't do things because they're gated behind SOMETHING, so they don't even try: Like, in Circuit, you know basically who was around for old-operator void dash before the nerf because we still slingshot around trying to find the blue crystals because it still works. But no one who hasn't ever tried to keep up with someone speed void dashing in a normal mission just to get one kill before the end really thinks of it as a primary mode of moving around so they won't do it in Orphix; they think they have to jump back into their warframe every time it's turned back on because the game is called warframe...

Meanwhile, when I started Warframe (and the game was many years old before I found out it wasn't a terrible battletech clone), if I saw someone do something cool, I had to find out how they did it and do it myself ASAP and it was always possible (other than the act of having Ember prime but...). Now you have to convince people that it's safe to tenno hide from Jakal because running around or fleeing to the edge of the duviri map is something they know they can do.

Radiation mods seem like a safe inclusion because Kit Guns have had it as a perk forever and most of them are actually underpowered now.

Melting down arcanes to gamble on better ones seems like a fair idea, although it'll still probably take forever for new players to catch up, especially since they don't have Steel Path Acolyte stacks of hundreds to melt down.

Melee is so overpowered that I don't think it needs arcanes; hell, my whole Warframe existence now is dedicated to NOT using melee because of that (in circuit runs with pubbies my goal is to always have more headshot kills than the rest of the team has total kills).

Daily Tribute reward scaling is now capped at 3000 days.

Doh. I was looking forward to crazy numbers 5 years from now... I still haven't gotten the 5 forma that other people have.

Just spent half an hour on a bugged mission where the objective never appeared (it appears common according to google search) and I lost out on two new mods and a ton of resources, not to mention having my Grimoire practically leveled to 30 and yet ending up at 18 because I quit.

Considering half the plot missions are basically walking simulators, I see DE's gross incompetence when it comes to the very basics is astounding...
Second attempt, post patch, it worked as intended. I think they were fudging a bit when they said it was just hard to find the drone (and they made it easier and took out the indestructible ones), I scoured the map nuking everything, screens at a time, thousands of enemies cleared. If it were there, I think I would have gotten it.

The story was fine, I guess, although if you're not going to do real cut-scene cinematics, don't force me to listen to your voice overs: I can imagine emotion while READING (I'm a boomer that way!), so let me click through as fast as I can read instead of watching your characters bob up and down in a canned animation.

The musical guest star was a bit of a surprise, I knew the song from the opening bars (was that the same song that the Walking Dead NYC show closed with? I get everything on the album mixed up).

Advice for the missions:

Nuke frame, preferably one that can blow up crates
Boss is not Felarx proof

Maximizing Grimoire:

Furax Wraith's Amalgam mod for secondary fire rate increase + Reinforced Bond on your pet can get you double fire rate even if you don't have any mods on it.

I melted down about 150 Steel Path arcanes (which is only like 20% of my excess) and bought a bunch of Duviri arcanes. Good deal. That's about as far as I've interacted with the new content though.
I completed the story last night. Has potential and definitely keeps us asking questions like The Second Dream/Natah/New War Leadup, but it's lucky because it's the set-up phase that doesn't have to have a satisfying ending. Lots of fun questions, at least!

Wasn't expecting grimoire to be a secondary. Still, neat overall. Many of the new quest weapons are infinite ammo, which is kinda weird. Nice perk, I suppose.

I'll get around to farming that stuff... someday. I'm still behind in arcanes to where SP is not a cakewalk.
I couldn't play for three days so I'm just trying to catch up: no progress on new stuff but I got my 5 netracells done before reset (3 arcanes/1 melee adapter/1 tauforged shard).

Netracells is a weird mission for pubbies: even the ones who know that you have to kill stuff within the red circle can't actually follow the directions so the missions take longer than they have to. I can almost forgive this because the tile sets/spawns are crap so there are often natural chokepoints/killboxes RIGHT outside of the red circle and even I have to sometimes reign in my instincts.

And then you get a combination of heroes who grab all four debuffs and then want to spend the mission hunting secrets, which is fine, but then other people follow them and then you don't have spawns walking through the red circle zones. And then you have the guy who does that, picks a fight with a necromech and dies before anyone can get to him; I've finished a few missions with only two of us left after pubbies die and ragequit half way through (and you should quit since the netracell drop is a physical one you have to pick up, waiting to the end of the mission while dead won't get you anything but it won't count towards your five runs, either).

I've been going as Nekros with Gloom (with Shield of Shadows over Creeping Terrify) just to get the extra loot and Terrify strips armor. It's too risky to try to solo the mission though because with all four debuffs it's easy to run out of energy or get randomly ganked by an eximus with an unlikely combo of effects and if you're by yourself, it's game over.

I think it's a good game mode overall as a weekly (once you get it down to 45-50 minutes for five runs with your clan) but

1. It's a bit too hard for MR18s (or anyone who doesn't understand armor yet) who just want to do the latest new things

2. Really obsoletes the Kahl missions as a way to advance your shard collection, even if shards are rare drops here. Spending 20-30 minutes to get a Kahl shard is not a good use of your warframe time and as such it wasn't a good use of their development time, even if they did the maps for the quest originally.
New Kahu Gargoyle event is live. Ran it quite a bit, it having PoE arcanes be farmable in a way that isn't quite as annoying and less random than eidolons/Orphix will definitely get me running it. My Phantasma is the best I got for the assassination, it still feels a bit weak. It's also not primed and runs out of ammo super fast.

I think it's Indifferent Facade, no armor, no shields. So just pump those big radiation numbers.

The Netracells are weird for sure. I just got back into things, so more sources of Archon shards is welcome. Kahl missions are still needed for archon mods and warframe pieces, so I don't really see it as being invalidated. Just not as much about being farmed weekly once you have it done. Some of the debuffs for the netracells are super annoying though.
I'm still not 100% sure when you can stack heat + a new radiation mod at the same time but the secondary version (which has a fire rate buff) seems to often be an upgrade for Lethal Torrent in a lot of situations, especially when you can't get over 100% status to make every multishot pellet proc.

I'm trying it out on Titania (under Wado's instruction I'm using it for all solo bounty runs that aren't survivals, where I'm still using Nekros for loot) and it seems pretty good:


For some reason, Galvanized Shot is better than the primary version of the mod, which makes getting an extra element that much better vs. tough enemies. Vs. enemies on the tile set, Arcane Pistoleer (the detail that truly makes Titania nuts, along with the secondary fire rate arcane) seems a lot harder to trigger even while aiming than usual (maybe even harder than vs. Infested) but I also put Xaku's ability on my Titania so spray and praying triggers the mag-attractors which speeds up solo exterminates, etc., since I'd rather do it that way then deal with many pubbies who are undergeared for a T5 bounty or grouse about me using Golden Instinct to find easy to grab voca -- I'm ok with adding about 30% duration to a mission for the chance of a few higher tier ones.
The gargoyle is nice to finish the arcanes. It is also giving extra other arcanes, with the angels, sometimes the Book/mini bosses.

The weird thing about the boss to me is sometimes I'm hitting consistently, sometimes it just misses, but I'm not clear on what I'm doing differently. Aiming for the glowing ball segments seems to be best, but other times just hitting the body segments that hold the arms/legs works.

I finished the Legatus dye for the PC clan color farm and switched it to Angels, since the event requires angels and I'm seeing 2 dye components per Steel Path run.

1. I like the idea of "punch through" frame, especially since the mods for the ability tend to suck. OTOH, I'll take Hydroid and one shot everything with Corrosive+Viral over it if I'm only going to be leaning on guns. And I'm someone who absolutely leans on guns just for the fun of it.

2. Arranging all the enemies into a column* instead of a ball is a nice gimmick (which ties very nicely with #1), although it seems less reliable than ball enemies up skills

3. The defensive skill seems useless unless your weapon sucks and is only modded for radiation: with my Incarnon Atomos (Viral/Heat/Radiation), I kill everything before I get enough procs to actually raise the number of stacks on the ability. Maybe I just don't know how it works.

4. The column's 35% slow is 35% slow in a world where Gloom is a thing.

5. Space lasers are better than they used to be (I'm looking at you Vauban) but direct damage spells aren't really where you want to be most of the time. I was wrong about Styanax Spears (although until Overguard was invented I was probably right) so I won't write it off immediately because DE is better at scaling than they used to be (looks at Wisp...), but I'm still skeptical and it looks like a slot you might want to put Gloom in...

* Speaking of columns, while lots of Incarnons are better on paper than Soma Prime, I think because it was the weapon that brought out the community griping, they overcorrected and made it probably better than it should be: sure, my Incarnon Torrid with a 250%Multishot/300%damage riven can melt though everything but you have to trigger the reloading animation to re-up Incarnon form every five seconds. It's not fun or convenient.

Meanwhile, I can get two or three full Incarnon clips off with Soma Prime without losing the 500% crit bonus from not reloading (saya haya mod or whatever). Soma is just really freaking convenient compared to other Incarnons and is probably tied with Boar Prime for the most usable primary imho.
* I remembered that I had picked up some Eidolon lens blueprints via the quests (to finally use the dozens on lua lens bps I have sitting around) and I finally tried using them today. Got some sort of error. Anyone else?

* Most of my favorite archguns didn't get buffs but... my Kuva Ayanga and Grattler are both radiation, on purpose. If I had infinite time I might switch them to Magnetic now that I can get Viral/Heat/Radiation via the new mod. That plus mag from the inherent kuva type would be pretty epic.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I've crafted some Lua lenses, had no issue. Do you have all your focus trees maxed?

Oddly enough, today's 3rd part of the sortie was intense. Eximus spawns on interception are no joke. Without Saryn+Kronen I don't think we could have kept them off the consoles. At least it's an easy rep + focus cap day.
Eh, I was a Khora in with an Atlas, Mesa and Rhino. We did fine.*

Plus, 34 slivers off a single mission is nice.

* Torid Incarnon eats up eximus units like nothing else. it was me and the mesa basically doing all the damage.
It only seems to happen to certain people under certain situations; I've never had it happened to me and don't know enough about how of it works to even hazard a guess?!?

But the current streamlined dojo which is all about keeping things (primarily labs) within walking distance was built on top of the archaic dojo that people didn't want to demolish (that has things like the parkour room that are no longer of interest to most players). I'm not sure why the spawn flag (pulling them into the old areas) misfires for some people and not others.
Screenshot 2024-01-26 004732.png

Is Akarius the most expensive prime weapon in terms of rare parts, ever? At any rate, thanks to help from Ars Tenno I was able to assemble mine without farming too many relics.

Akarius was my favorite gun for a long time because Mirage was my favorite warframe: I liked guns and more guns was more better, from the days of Synoid Simulor to pretending to be a Battlemech on the plains of Eidolon when Opticor (with a multishot riven) was the best weapon because it hit dropships on the way in and the way out (patched since).

For a while, there was nothing better you can do than running around with Mirage + Akarius but they nerfed Primed Fulmination and made ammo more of a concern, while buffing grineer armor at the same time, while making Arcane Pistoleer harder to trigger with weapons of this type -- all debuffs that made this not ALWAYS worth doing.

I used to build Akarius for 100% status to make sure every multishot projectile delivered something. I would have never built like the above screenshot save for the two dashes that come with the weapon and I decided to roll with it and I'm kinda glad I did. I still think it's mostly a hydroid weapon but it might be the best Hydroid weapon for anything that doesn't have "damage mitigation[tm]"

If you can get Arcane Pistoleer to trigger (jumping like a bunny while firing helps), the fire rate you can achieve with Furax Wraith gloves and Reinforced Bond on a pet is truly outrageous -- as it always is, but unlimited rockets are something else and it's one of the easiest six forma I've ever put into a weapon.

But even with every slot polarized I still can't swap things around as I like and I have an unfilled Magnum Force on. With some swaps I can get Primed Crit on there but it's nice to have a weapon loadout that doesn't care about crit or status too much for random annoying things where you're not allowed to crit or proc them just because. Undecided.


Ars Tribunus Militum
Alright, so I decided my next game to play is Warframe.

I played it briefly when it first came out (so basically it's almost a completely different game :D), but didn't really stick with it. I keep seeing all this stuff about it now, and I'm feeling like it's time.

Already watched some guides to catch me up, but it looks like I'm gonna need to join a clan at some point most likely for research purposes.

Is there an Ars clan?
Yeah, just give us your handle and we can get you in. We have an old-guard squad of 4-5 people who still commiserate over ars teamspeak at around 5-6pm EST most nights but the majority of the active players (maybe 10-15) have no interest in that and it's fine! The primary reason to join a clan is for access to research for various items that the clan as a whole pays for via resources (but I've completed research projects for the 100 person clan* -- it scales -- on my own many a time).

*we used to have more actives but the introduction of the "open worlds" and their grinds put a lot of people off, especially since the devs were, at the time, putting a lot of effort into random modes like a Rocket League clone that literally no one asked for, just because some amount of the employees were bored with space ninjas but wanted to keep their corporate paychecks
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Ars Tribunus Militum
Yeah, just give us your handle and we can get you in. We have an old-guard squad of 4-5 people who still commiserate over ars teamspeak at around 5-6pm EST most nights but the majority of the active players (maybe 10-15) have no interest in that and it's fine! The primary reason to join a clan is for access to research for various items that the clan as a whole pays for via resources (but I've completed research projects for the 100 person clan* -- it scales -- on my own many a time).

*we used to have more actives but the introduction of the "open worlds" and their grinds put a lot of people off, especially since the devs were, at the time, putting a lot of effort into random modes like a Rocket League clone that literally no one asked for, just because some amount of the employees were bored with space ninjas but wanted to keep their corporate paychecks
Handle is WillFL; I still had access to my old account, but couldn't figure out how to get back to the tutorial stuff, so I just said screw it and created a new account :) I am basically now back at that same point minus a couple missions (I just completed the initial tutorial missions and am now in the "do whatever" mission phase).

I don't recall it being quite this easy when I played in the past; I'm sure the difficulty will ramp up at some point, though.

I like the fact that the missions are incredibly short, at least.


Ars Tribunus Militum
I've put a lot of time in, and still haven't completed the full circuit of planets/main quests :D

Been hunting down and building warframes. I started with Volt, which I enjoyed; that thing is a beast, especially later on. Now I've got Nekros for farming, Zephyr as my tank sniper, Loki for stealth/spy stuff, and just started leveling Nezha to act as an alternative nuke to Volt.

Right now I'm thinking the next frame I'm gonna hunt down is Wisp Prime, and then maybe Ivara.

Zephyr is definitely one of my favorites.. While leveling it I got attacked by the Stalker; he always managed to kill me earlier, but in this case I had a strategy.. Just keep hopping up and down (I was building out for DR while in air) whittling him down, and eventually he dropped. Dread is a fantastic bow; super happy with it, and I one-shot a lot of baddies with Loki (although Corpus sometimes takes 2 with my current mods).

Definitely see this game keeping me busy for a good long while. Will probably take a break when the new Hellblade comes out, but I have no doubt I'll get back to it.
Glad you've joined us. I criticize Warframe a lot for the decisions they keep making now that it's no longer their primary concern, but it's a ton of fun so long as new people keep joining, especially once they get to the point where they can use help with their collecting but have enough gear where everyone isn't just speed running missions with them as an afterthought. Fewer people seem to be getting to that point lately though. I don't mind burning through relics to help people out but few people ask these days.

I've only been doing 2.3 out of 5 available netracells each week now. I just can't get enthusiastic about it, especially on weeks where you are unlucky with rewards or you're forced to play with pubbies that don't get it: was with Tel once and it took 7:30 for our pubbies to get to the red circle because one was a doof and the other thought he was going to find the book and solo it (never found it). And it doesn't help that they discussed altering the drop tables already so you know it's going to be more rewarding in the future.

They also need to add another way to get pathos clamps because running that over and over again got stale faster than they anticipated: I'd just add a variant boss to the world that takes less time and gives roughly the same rewards.
Netracells are definitely a problem. I was pretty much done with making sure they were done by the 3-4th week of doing them. Random rewards, namely getting 3-4 melee adapters made it not feel worth the time. I'd much prefer a system where you get a token per run, and then certain items cost X number of tokens. Even if it's still somewhat random, for example if an archon shard purchase took say, two tokens and you didn't get to choose your color.

I've run out of steam for the game for now, I have a handful of frames waiting to be leveled, but the grinds for some things have thrown me off. The beginning of the end was trying to farm weapon parts with Titania, by way of Void Floods. Titania makes it easy, but man do I hate flight gameplay, since it's essentially archwing but in normal gameplay. Add in any randos in void floods and it's even more inconsistent.

It didn't help that Gauss Prime released and I thought I'd have a shot to make some plat, but the more expensive parts were going for 40p already on the first day of release. Not that I need more plat but it's a make hay while the sun shines sort of thing.


Ars Tribunus Militum
I'm still fairly early in the game; MR7, and have unlocked all the regular starmap (including each Void tree).

I managed to get my hands on Ivara Prime, and.. Man, I love that one. So much fun to just prowl through the halls and drop everything. I enjoy using it for extermination and spy missions. I pretty much never have to drop Prowl.

I'm surprised how much I still use Volt, too; I use that one to run extermination missions typically.

Every warframe I've got serves a good role or two.

Loki is great for faster stealth missions.

Volt for speedrunning stuff and AOE.

Zephyr for tank sniping (survival and general combat).

Nezha for defense missions.

Nekros for farming.

Also: I've killed the Shadow 5 times now.. and I'm sad I can't trade the Dread blueprint, because I just got it again.

Otherwise, I'm currently farming for Wisp Prime now.
I still don't have any tennokai melee mods (alchemy endurance) so eventually I'll need to get a squad together for farming those. We never have time during our 5pm EST ars-clan blocks and I can't even make all of those lately.

Add in any randos in void floods and it's even more inconsistent.

Void floods are stupid because additional players ALWAYS make it harder to do because it takes more blue drops to fill a tank per player-count: every second that a player is hallway heroing and not picking up blues is detrimental to the mission so even if you have three Ars people with you who know everything on how to do it right, it'll STILL take more time than soloing the mission with Titania, because it's impossible for people not to be distracted or sub-optimal at least some of the time, even if it's just the blues spawning in weird places or someone hunting down loot that a thrax dropped.
There are probably only a handful of players who know what it feels like to have Buzlok come up for your Archon hunt and you have 8 forma in it and a massively rerolled riven, but landing a beacon on the Archon's head is such a massive rush...

0-5 Netracells for me this week. Not much time to play and I don't like pubbing it, not because pubbies suck (it's like 50/50), but because I need someone to talk to in order to make it palatable.
Inaros rework: Inaros was the first new frame when I started the game and it was my favorite for a while. Being able to force finishers with "pocket sand" (what we called desiccation) was great when Covert Lethality was a guaranteed kill vs. level 9999 enemies. Not only did they take that away, the introduction of Shield Gating meant that Inaros' health would always be more vulnerable than everyone else. His wakeup mechanic was also worse than just popping into tenno mode, hitting Madurai, and blasting everything for infinite damage to self-revive.

The rework hasn't changed this. In fact, some other aspects that made Inaros fun have been meta-nerfed: Inaros previously could rely on Rage/Hunter's Rage to get near infinite energy and Arcane Vengeance to get a massive crit buff but the fact that so many meta-frames hand out Overguard to you takes that aspect of having no shields away from you. It's hard to be the "hurt me please" frame when it's hard to be hurt...


Desiccation: I still like using Overextended to get additional reach on this and it's still good but I'm not sure that more enemies are now vulnerable to finishers now that so many enemies have overguard or are provided it by their friends (infested units). Still useful, still good, and it's not often where I'm doing content where I actually miss Covert Lethality in practice, but it's still a very slow way to mow through enemies compared to just Ocucor + any decent frame...

Sandstorm: this is actually a solid ability and makes me wonder if you should be running around with Caustacyst because it's the only Corrosive melee weapon so you can build for Corrosive + Viral + Electricity + Radiation + Impact so if you're using the ability Augment, you can really status up an entire room. With an innate viral weapon you could have Cold instead of Electricity but I think the latter is more debilitating with the actual stun.

Hirudo (life steal + maximum health buff) was my classic Inaros weapon of choice but Incarnon Sancti Magistar (life steal on heavy attacks) offers some new advantages in the Tennokai world since you can get those fast heavy attacks without using combo or necessarily building for heavy exclusively.

Armor: I don't really fear status effects like I used to so I'd be comfortable dropping this ability. It takes too long to activate, still (it just feels bad standing there at the start of a mission while your friends leap off into the horizon). As a Madurai user with a T1 tenno gun + associated arcanes, the only time I can't self-revive in tenno form is when I'm with friends or if I somehow managed to die while my crewman is out and has Kuva Zarr'd everything to death, so I don't really need Inaros' passive or the augment for this.

Bugs: it's interesting to watch and I like cats but I'm not sure it really does much considering the energy/casting time, especially in multiplayer... I was using the mod for 5 cats originally but I do think that Sandstorm is the way to go if you're going to bother playing this frame. And that might mean using a substandard stat-stick melee since my Pulmonars are just worse than my Incarnon Sancti Magistar with a +Damage/+crit/+Finisher damage riven.
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Had something long that I had to listen to, only semi-attentively, so I did a solo steel-path deimos disruption (Hydroid with Gloom): finished wave 4 in 16 minutes. I think the keys might drop slightly faster when you're by yourself. Gruzzlings are annoying though because they'll often pop up when you're already carrying a key so they'll die and drop theirs in an inconvenient spot you'll have to return to later.

Not that I'm suggesting Warframe is played best solo but I had a pubby squad where two people quit at wave 2 last night.
lol haven't played warframe since duviri launched. Excited to find I can finally merge my ps4 (MR 21) account into the my PC one (MR 24). I log in and try to remember what my custom keybinds were.... Start the man in the wall questline. Get the expected entrati madness then suddenly cut to 1999 with NiN and had to lol. Can always count on warframe to keep it weird. =D
Screenshot 2024-04-01 094930.png

I gave up on Auto Hack and Blood for Ammo: some of the new animations for finishers are so frickin' slow that it's embarrassing without Swift Mercy, something that Needle reminded me about. I switched Ammo to Power Drain since I'm using Gloom on most of my builds for disruption (I have no idea why they let it affect the Necramechs without attenuation) and the power buff between Madurai and Power Drain is a substantial amount when it comes to upping your slow quality.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of stairways now, in old tiles no less, that reset you and strip your buffs fairly consistently. And having to go through the process of getting a finisher, zip with tenno, and then recast Gloom is annoying.

Screenshot 2024-04-01 094824.png

I'm having way better luck killing time with this solo (now on Banshee + Gloom) than I have had with ars clan though...

One final complaint: there are so many spawn slots for voca in these new treasure rooms that often times you won't find more than one or two outside of them and I don't have time for those puzzles when soloing and you don't want pubbies dicking around with them, either, when they don't really know what they're doing since it'll shift the enemy spawns.


Ars Centurion
Finally got back into the game. Pinged all the old discord folks and heckled them to reinstall too. Been a good time so far. Rejoined shortly before the Inaros rework and I couldn't be happier with the updates to my favorite frame. I honestly thought he was perfectly fine pre-rework, but everything they did was a straight up buff, so I sure as hell am not complaining. Still replacing Sandstorm with Roar though.
Still replacing Sandstorm with Roar though.

Sandstorm is good, especially if you like explosions! Paint everything with corrosive/viral (sandstorm augment), pull everything in, let loose with a giant rocket!

I'm only on Incarnation level 2 but this feels weird and slow. It's not exactly the second coming of Sonicor days... When they said we were getting new incarnons, I was hoping for a ton of normal weapons, especially infested class, for me to spend pathos clamps on.