Smart Home Automation


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Thanks for the heads up.

Can you give some examples of your NFC based automations. I've often considered getting some stickers, but I can't think of any use for them.
I'm still setting them up actually. Planning on setting one up for laundry (tag on washer/dryer) that sends a notification to the device that scanned it.

The only one I planned currently is the one to track my water intake but need one of the anti-metal tags for that to put the sticker on my water bottle.

My smart home stuff is currently limited to mostly sensors after moving to a new house since I don't have neutrals to install smart switches.

Most of my other uses for nfc tags would just be replacing switches or triggering scenes (all off / sleep mode etc)


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I'm still setting them up actually. Planning on setting one up for laundry (tag on washer/dryer) that sends a notification to the device that scanned it.

The only one I planned currently is the one to track my water intake but need one of the anti-metal tags for that to put the sticker on my water bottle.

My smart home stuff is currently limited to mostly sensors after moving to a new house since I don't have neutrals to install smart switches.

Most of my other uses for nfc tags would just be replacing switches or triggering scenes (all off / sleep mode etc)

I finally got around to getting the NFC timer for my laundry done.
It requires an input timer, an input select and another script (to handle notifications)

So it uses this script to handle notifications (with a slight no UI modification)
and then an input select to handle remembering which device scanned the tag
Then the input timer to handle how long the timer should be.

On to the actual automations (there are 2)
For Scanning the Tag
alias: Laundry
description: ""
  - platform: tag
    tag_id: aef49d21-18c8-49f1-9518-189db855e304
condition: []
  - service: timer.start
    data: {}
      entity_id: timer.laundry
  - service: input_select.select_option
      option: "{{ }}"
      entity_id: input_select.laundry_device
mode: single

For when the timer ends
alias: Laundry timer
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - timer.laundry
    to: idle
    from: active
condition: []
  - service: script.notify_devices
        - "{{states('input_select.laundry_device')}}"
      notify_title: Laundry
      notify_message: Laundry should be done
mode: single

So the first automation starts the timer and stores the device_id that scanned the tag in the input_select (the options are all the device IDs for the mobile devices in my house)

Then the second one fires when the timer ends and sends the notification to the device that scanned the tag. I'm currently not using any of the other "features" of the notify script and the UI portion doesn't support templating so that took a bit to figure out.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Went through over the weekend and resolved a host of issues that have cropped up over the last year due to obsolesence (and upgrading software without thinking about it). Updated Home Automation software requires Python 3 support in plug-ins. Some were abandon ware, etc. Updated, found replacement plug-ins, etc. Now the home automation to HomeKit bridge is working again (so my wife can turn the bedroom fan on/off just by telling Siri), several idiosyncrasies with switches were solved, and my XML plug-in was updated. Also created some new Pushover notifications for sensors. Replaced Weatherlink IP module so my HA server is now getting weather station data again as well.

Massive hardware/software update on my A/V automation side. A couple of years ago, I had moved most A/V control to direct IP control as I though it to be fancier/more reliable. Yes/No. LG TV just sucked with IP control (very high end model) and Denon would only take control inputs from one IP (which my A/V remote software had a solution for - just wasn't super reliable). Put iTach IP2IR units back in the entertainment center for LG TV/BR and Denon AVR, TV is still IP based - but that's always been reliable. Everything now just works. Only downside is I don't get the volume level feedback in the iPad app for the Denon any more.

Big bonus is that the A/V remote control software (Roomie Remote) has developed deeper Indigo (my HA software) and HomeKit integration. Selecting Watch Cinematic movie (vs just movie) in the Room Remote app will dim the lights as well as switch everything on to the right source.

Very productive weekend.


Smack-Fu Master, in training
Are there any microcontrollers out there with Zigbee support, and how hard are they to program? I bought a number of addressable RGB Christmas lights a while ago, and I've been controlling them with a Raspberry Pi Pico W. It listens for MQTT topics which it then parses for the various light effects.

This has worked pretty well for me, but I've recently switched my Home Automation stuff to be almost entirely over Zigbee. I love not having to have my items on my network, and the ease of setting them up is great. It's not a vital change, but I'm curious if there are boards out there that would do basically this same functionality, but listen over Zigbee instead. The ESP32-H2 seems to support the protocol, but it doesn't seem very widely used, and frankly if parsing its signals is orders of magnitude more complex than MQTT, I'm not sure if I'm terribly invested.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Esphome is in the process of adding support for the newer ESP RISC-V that has built in Matter/Thread.

Otherwise, I dunno. Maybe just an ESP8266/ESP32 and WLED. Sure it'll still be 2.4GHz WiFi, but it's solid software and plays very well with other home automation stuff, and very controllable via various means.
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Are there any microcontrollers out there with Zigbee support, and how hard are they to program? I bought a number of addressable RGB Christmas lights a while ago, and I've been controlling them with a Raspberry Pi Pico W. It listens for MQTT topics which it then parses for the various light effects.

This has worked pretty well for me, but I've recently switched my Home Automation stuff to be almost entirely over Zigbee. I love not having to have my items on my network, and the ease of setting them up is great. It's not a vital change, but I'm curious if there are boards out there that would do basically this same functionality, but listen over Zigbee instead. The ESP32-H2 seems to support the protocol, but it doesn't seem very widely used, and frankly if parsing its signals is orders of magnitude more complex than MQTT, I'm not sure if I'm terribly invested.
A very quick search for zigbee wled led me to a year old reddit post and this link
And this link

I have no experience with them and very little with zigbee in general since I found it isn't "standard" enough with each brand having it's own quirks (like the fact I have screw in zigbee bulbs that aren't repeaters)
Opinionated rant follows, but one I hope starts dialogue.

Hello, automation noob here looking at it for the first time now that we have panels/inverter/battery and smart energy meters, with a view to get a zigbee gateway up to talk to them and then take it from there with sensors and lightbulbs/switches.

I've had a look in earnest at HA over the last couple of days; the initial onboarding is slick and pretty though it is... wow it appears to be a car crash of a dumpster fire of a titanic-iceberg level of bad architectural software choices* which has left me pretty despondent. Has anyone tried anything else? next biggest as far as I can gather would be OpenHAB but doesn't seem to have the user polish nor the mindshare.

* diatribe** in the spoiler below:

I'm not usually over here, usually hanging out in LKF/Server Room/Networking matrix and thought about posting this in LKF as it's that angle I'm really coming from.

To sum up, the maintainers seem to be really anti others packaging HA but I don't know if that's the cause, or an effect. The only way HA is fully functional is if you download HAOS (i.e. they seem to have created their own operating system). They do have an official container on ghcr which is great but don't support addons if you're running the container (i.e. HA Core). This is because the addon ecosystem needs HA Supervisor (a service in HAOS). Addons are actually docker containers. So not only is HAOS a new OS it's also a container orchestration platform too.

I wanted to run this in k8s or at worst via docker-compose as that's what I already have with my own implimentations; no addons mean no external database support as I have a MySQL database VM that I'd like to use for this (ootb it's sqlite, and that's fine, but not really container orchestration friendly), and I also have my own TLS cert solution which I could have bolted onto this but the DB is a dealbreaker so:

OK fine, so I spin up a kvm instance, install HAOS (which is a systemd linux but beyond that I can't really see, I couldn't get the ssh add-on to work; 502 bad gateway...) and once Secure Boot is disabled(!) it starts and comes up. Again, very slick onboarding. To the addons! the LE addon (that duplicates what I already have) at first sight won't work in my environment, so then to trying to think up some convoluted way with another VM to proxy_pass but at this point I gave up.

I understand people make opinionated choices and I understand that this is not my project but it's just so frustrating that they have made the choices that they have because they limit interactivity/composability with that which already exists

**I wrote diatrible, it's late but somehow fitting because it's mostly drivel...


Ars Legatus Legionis
Heh, well, I very much agree at the frustration and annoyance of how HA is "installed". Most folks just throw it on an RPi, or buy the Home Assistant Green or Yellow or something similar. Or on a NUC or something. For myself, I wanted it on my NAS, as I've been centralizing everything, and I run FreeBSD. Managed to get a qcow2 image migrated and used, but it doesn't use the usual console, has to be a VNC type console sigh But yeah, I'm quite annoying at what feels to me to be excessive dockerization of everything. "Don't bother trying to maintain everything, we'll do it all for you in our own hacked together distro for you". I basically treat it as a black box, beyond basic configuration backups from the VM -> NAS storage.


I haven't actually seen/tried OpenHAB, although seems interesting. Although Java & OSGi...? Hmph. Was always a bit suspicious of OSGi, and the super configuration based "enterprisey" stuff. But I digress. Seems interesting to be sure.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Opinionated rant follows, but one I hope starts dialogue.

Hello, automation noob here looking at it for the first time now that we have panels/inverter/battery and smart energy meters, with a view to get a zigbee gateway up to talk to them and then take it from there with sensors and lightbulbs/switches.

I've had a look in earnest at HA over the last couple of days; the initial onboarding is slick and pretty though it is... wow it appears to be a car crash of a dumpster fire of a titanic-iceberg level of bad architectural software choices* which has left me pretty despondent. Has anyone tried anything else? next biggest as far as I can gather would be OpenHAB but doesn't seem to have the user polish nor the mindshare.

* diatribe** in the spoiler below:

I'm not usually over here, usually hanging out in LKF/Server Room/Networking matrix and thought about posting this in LKF as it's that angle I'm really coming from.

To sum up, the maintainers seem to be really anti others packaging HA but I don't know if that's the cause, or an effect. The only way HA is fully functional is if you download HAOS (i.e. they seem to have created their own operating system). They do have an official container on ghcr which is great but don't support addons if you're running the container (i.e. HA Core). This is because the addon ecosystem needs HA Supervisor (a service in HAOS). Addons are actually docker containers. So not only is HAOS a new OS it's also a container orchestration platform too.

I wanted to run this in k8s or at worst via docker-compose as that's what I already have with my own implimentations; no addons mean no external database support as I have a MySQL database VM that I'd like to use for this (ootb it's sqlite, and that's fine, but not really container orchestration friendly), and I also have my own TLS cert solution which I could have bolted onto this but the DB is a dealbreaker so:

OK fine, so I spin up a kvm instance, install HAOS (which is a systemd linux but beyond that I can't really see, I couldn't get the ssh add-on to work; 502 bad gateway...) and once Secure Boot is disabled(!) it starts and comes up. Again, very slick onboarding. To the addons! the LE addon (that duplicates what I already have) at first sight won't work in my environment, so then to trying to think up some convoluted way with another VM to proxy_pass but at this point I gave up.

I understand people make opinionated choices and I understand that this is not my project but it's just so frustrating that they have made the choices that they have because they limit interactivity/composability with that which already exists

**I wrote diatrible, it's late but somehow fitting because it's mostly drivel...

I've been running HA Core on my unraid server just fine for ~2 years now. As you've noticed the Addons for HAOS are just dockers so you can find them on dockerhub or other places. The only mildly annoying thing is they don't auto-configure for HA going that way.

I currently have HA Core pointing to a MariaDB container for external DB support. Along with a Zwave JS, MQTT, NodeRed, and various other "smart home" dockers interfacing with it. I also have a proxy container (SWAG from linuxservers) to handle allowing access to it outside my network (I also pay for their cloud service which allows that as well)

As for the devs, they do seem to have a very much this is the way things will be done because I said so attitude, but the actual members of the community (on the discord or forums) are super helpful.


Ars Praefectus
I've got HA and MQTT running on Docker containers on a Pi after multiple attempts (some of the instructions I chose were out of date).

Next step, get the temperature data in the house (that I already collect on another Pi) into HA via MQTT. HA Instructions are long and tedious - so I'll likely be dicking around with it for much of the day.
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I've got HA and MQTT running on Docker containers on a Pi after multiple attempts (some of the instructions I chose were out of date).

Next step, get the temperature data in the house (that I already collect on another Pi) into HA via MQTT. HA Instructions are long and tedious - so I'll likely be dicking around with it for much of the day.
How is it being collected on the other pi? Is it just a temp sensor connected directly to the pi or is it another device?


Ars Tribunus Militum
I agree with the frustrations above. I was running HA in a 'managed' Docker form for a long, long time and then upgraded it to a later version without really reading the release notes. The entire thing exploded. Turns out, they had removed the older way you could run it in Docker, with the supervisor and add-ons without it completely taking over the Docker install (I forget what they called it exactly).

I backed up my config and migrated it to a KVM VM running HAOS, and it has been smooth (with the minor exception that occasionally the Zigbee controller I have passed through to the VM drops off - never happened on the Docker version, but it is an old Zigbee controller and I need to upgrade to Zigbee 3.0) but I miss the ease of the older Docker environment and the fact I could use it for other things as well.
Busy with work but had the quickest of looks at OpenHAB this evening. All of 2 minutes to get the Hello World container web interface up and running in docker on my laptop; has JDBC so will plug into anything and the plugin system doesn't seem insane. Going to give that a go instead and if I run into problems/limitations well it'll be what it'll be; So ordered a couple of Sonoff temp sensors and now hunting round Amazon for smart mains electricity plugs.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Busy with work but had the quickest of looks at OpenHAB this evening. All of 2 minutes to get the Hello World container web interface up and running in docker on my laptop; has JDBC so will plug into anything and the plugin system doesn't seem insane. Going to give that a go instead and if I run into problems/limitations well it'll be what it'll be; So ordered a couple of Sonoff temp sensors and now hunting round Amazon for smart mains electricity plugs.
I'd go for Athom, They offer pre-flashed with Tasmota or ESPHome, which makes it so much easier.
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Ars Praefectus
Honeywell hih-6130 sensor hardwired to the Pi. It's running buster though, so getting Mosquitto tools installed seems to be a problem. Trying the rest api now :confused:
REST doesn't work either. There seems to be some SSL versioning that I can't overcome on the old Pi.

So, this morning, I got it working albeit in an ugly way. The Pi already sends sensor data to MqSQL on my primary Linux box and it's running an LTS version of Ubuntu and can install Mosquito client apps.

Sensors are set up in HA via yaml, so Cron on the Linux box invokes a perl script that pulls the latest data from the database and uses Mosquitto_pub to send it to the HA server. Yuck. And Hey Presto! data is displayed in HA.

Now it seems that the sensors need unique IDs to be configurable and the data's in Centigrade and the graphs are boring, but the core ask is complete. Now I have to remember why I did this in the first place :biggreen:


Ars Tribunus Militum
How am I just discovering this thread? My people!

My smart home stuff is currently limited to mostly sensors after moving to a new house since I don't have neutrals to install smart switches.

There are definitely neutral-less switches out there, I've a Samotech S323 in my home office wired up and working with no neutral in sight :eng101:


At some point I need to look into a black-wire-only 3-way and 4-way smart switch that ties into Alexa. But I don't really want yet another setup/management app from yet another company on my phone. Mostly I've chosen smart bulbs rather than switches for my ecosystem.

I also should probably at some point get or borrow a good wire tracer to figure out how in the world the previous owner/electrician wired my dining room and kitchen fixtures. It seems like they used a mix of 12-2, 12-3, 14-2, and 14-3 wire with no consistency of identifying load, line, or neutral as soon as there's a departure from a standard one-way switch. (What ever happened to putting a wrap of electrical tape on the white line to indicate it's not neutral, or any of the other designators normal people used)?

To make it extra fun, there's too much induced voltage to use my non-contact detector to ID any of the system. At this point I think I need one of those line tracers or some 20-foot leads for my multimeter to diagnose where I could possibly pull a neutral.


Jinkies! Wish you could just go ahead and get a full re-wire, with a mix of crap like that.
I have beautiful plaster/drywall1 work that utilizes heavy knockdown texture and sweeping curves between the ceiling/walls. I will never put more than a nail hole in that part of the house because I have no skills to blend it in and I'm not sure how to even find an artist who could. It'd already be done otherwise - at least enough access holes knocked in for me to look at what was going on in which order.

The electrical is safe enough - it's just not labeled and the switches are far enough apart I can't diagnose which order the 4-way is wired.

1Merger between old and new part of the house.


Ars Praefectus
I ran Home Assistant for a while, and it worked, but I never felt like really had a handle on what was going on, where configs were stored, etc. It was all black boxish and the Docker setup drove me up the wall. This is most likely a "me" problem. I tried upgrading when they had a new release a while back and the thing just exploded. I finally managed to get it back into a functional state and then just left it alone.

I've got a coworker who uses and swears by OpenHAB. It's supposedly more difficult to get going out of the gate, but everything working off of config files was a big + for him. I just went through a home server upgrade and I'm going to give it a shot this time around. Worst case I can't figure it out and go back to Home Assistant.


Ars Legatus Legionis
I'm curious to hear about your experience with it. I'm also curious how you configure things, especially more complex behaviors.

For example, I use Node-Red for controlling my multi-room audio Snapcast setup. I have ZigBee rotary knobs for mute/unmute, and volume up/down. I have it setup so that based on the MAC it'll set which output ID, and then if it's going currently muted or not,volume up/down, etc.
three and a bit weeks and progress but it's been slow. Last couple of days did finally manage some breakthroughs tho.

At the moment working in a docker-compose in a VM but as I said before with a view to put it in k8s later but first was the ground work. VM host is not where the zigbee USB device is so had to get that working first so installing that plus mosquitto. That was all relatively straight-forward but hooking it into OpenHAB was a little trickier, anyway done.

Associating the first sensor to zigbee2mqtt wasn't too hard but boy-oh-boy was that not the case with getting it into OHAB. The JSON these sensors spit out is basic (fine) but OHAB is expecting an availability topic for them, simply them spewing JSON isn't good enough so that took a fair bit of head scratching and then the fix on the zigbee2mqtt side.

Then there's the semantic model. Your device can be online but you'll see diddly squat in the logs for it and the only way you will see is if you create an Equipment out of the Thing; or more specifically a Point that reads the Thing's Channel data. The semantic model is clearly well thought out and very flexible but the way you interface with, certainly as a beginner is really annoying. I don't know if it exposes APIs (I hope so) but groping my way through this really made me want what I suppose I'd call IaC tooling.

Anyway it's ingesting this now for a handful of sensors and next I want to try to graph them....



Ars Legatus Legionis
Anyway it's ingesting this now for a handful of sensors and next I want to try to graph them....
Just saying, HomeAssistant already has the graphing/recording/etc built in to the sensor values ;)

No clue, but can Grafana work with OpenHAB for it's data source for graphing? Or does OHAB not do data recording, so you'd need to do your own to pull the time-series data in for Grafana (or similar)?
No clue, but can Grafana work with OpenHAB for it's data source for graphing? Or does OHAB not do data recording, so you'd need to do your own to pull the time-series data in for Grafana (or similar)?
OHAB uses RRD for persistence by default as it happens (even tho I'm using MySQL via JDBC) and there is already internal simple graphing. There's a plugin system that will let you export stats to prometheus/influx.



Ars Praetorian
I am trying out ESPHome's voice assistant on an atom echo. Has anyone had good results with their whisper speech to text engine?

Looking at the output, from my initial attempt, it almost works.

For example, telling it to "turn on kitchen counter lights," in my normal cadence, it jumbles words together:
[22:05:22][D][voice_assistant:557]: Speech recognised as: " Turn on Kitchen Counterlights."

And then when I slow down, it cuts me off too early:
[22:05:22][D][voice_assistant:557]: Speech recognised as: " Turn on Kitchen Counter Light."

I also don't know how to pronounce the word sink:
[22:08:33][D][voice_assistant:557]: Speech recognised as: " Turn on Kitchen Sync Lights."

But it seems to have to exactly match [action] [room] [device name]. Noun number has to match perfectly and no spurious articles. So almost working is really not working. Which doesn't seem very robust. I have no experience with alexa, siri or google assistant to know if this is the norm.

I see speech is now a trigger for automations, so I guess you could make automations to accomodate near misses, but that seems really tedious.


Ars Legatus Legionis
I'm wanting to use it, just haven't really put the effort into much setup. Also Rhasspy 2.5 ( basically has no work being done, it's all going towards v3 ( Which I haven't really spent any time trying to setup yet, was waiting for it to bake a bit more. Should probably revisit it, since it's been at least 3-4 months since I looked. And look on the discord or chat or whatever they're based on, get the actual "which branch/whatever" should I be trying to use.


Ars Praetorian
I'm wanting to use it, just haven't really put the effort into much setup. Also Rhasspy 2.5 ( basically has no work being done, it's all going towards v3 ( Which I haven't really spent any time trying to setup yet, was waiting for it to bake a bit more. Should probably revisit it, since it's been at least 3-4 months since I looked. And look on the discord or chat or whatever they're based on, get the actual "which branch/whatever" should I be trying to use.

I should have done a better job reading the manual before I jumped in. Bumping the speech to text model from the default tiny-int8 to the "base" model cleaned up all my transcription issues.
alrighty week 6 or so on my personal journey doing it completely f/oss. Will try to be succinct and if I am waffling on (and off topic) please do tell me to stfu. Key points since before xmas:

  • my experience here is that generally zigbee device range is way overstated; My first sonoff controller couldn't see a sensor that was 4m from it (with walls/RSJ) nor out to my home office (20m, or so, and with 3inches of wood at that end). At this point all the devices are battery powered so won't mesh, so off we go to read about zigbee meshing and the hardware needed for that.
  • a Prime day later I have some testing plugs which will act as zigbee routers. They're brand new so I had to build the dev source of zigbee2mqtt but it saw them and all of a sudden the sensors (apart from the cabin are online
  • so on the one hand start to get the data from that into shape in OpenHAB but on the other.. the cabin
  • even with routers pointing at each other between the 20yds from kitchen to cabin through clear space they can't see each other so I give up and get a second controller. Another Prime day later and that's installed; a second mosquitto, second zigbee2mqtt installation and the coverage is complete. On to OpenHAB
  • a bunch of futzing around and I have the data accessible

  • 1704499486963.png1704499637994.png

  • and only tonight managed to get the first of the power switches online in openhab not just reporting power, but as a switch (light goes on, light goes off etc.)
Last edited:


Ars Praefectus
I’ve been fighting with Home Assistant over different issues, but both systems illustrate that you apparently need to be an IT geek to get one of these working.

This makes it fun in that you get to defeat problem after problem, each with a little frisson of joy as it finally functions. But for anyone who wants it to work out of the box - good luck.


Ars Legatus Legionis
I’ve been fighting with Home Assistant over different issues, but both systems illustrate that you apparently need to be an IT geek to get one of these working.
I think it depends on the system used, protocol, and device support.

Mine was relatively easy, but I'm using several commercial products and integrating Z-Wave, Insteon, HomeKit, Davis Weather Station with plug-ins (typically FOSS) and for the most part it has just worked. Only Nanoleaf has given me issues (well, Siri <-> Apple Home has issues on HomePods intermittently for no apparent reason). Z-wave is far, far more reliable than Insteon, which is why I'm moving in that direction and Insteon command modules have to be directly on power and thus power issues cause reliability issues.

FOSS has several advantages - mainly you have more troubleshooting ability, more flexibility and you will never be locked out of your devices. I'm not going to say cost, because it typically costs more in time. My HA system started in 1997! and has just evolved over time.
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