So I had a rough Thursday at work and...
I'm making a small K8S app, and writing the K8S manifests to deploy that was... frustrating. IMHO, you need a high level abstraction on them for most purposes. I looked at a few different options (Tanka/Jsonnet, Dhall, etc.), but none felt right. I then turned to Python, but the K8S "models" available are not very satisfactory to work with either...
And as I wanted to "indulge myself" after Thursday, I started poking at writing my stuff in Rust. Dang, it's completely the wrong language for that... but... it's better than anything else? Yes, it's harder than it could be on other languages, but kube/k8s-openapi typing is very good... and for once, my editor is starting to work very well with Rust code. I suck at Rust, so I'm struggling to find the correct patterns (and it's likely what I'm writing won't be reusable, etc.), but OTOH, it's been really pleasant to write..
I've created 6 of the 7 K8S resources I need, and it's definitely ... but at least I'm having fun and "treating myself"