Goblin Mining Co. Is Born! Let the Water Era Begin! All behold, VEGAS!!!
Hey everybody sorry for the delay between posts just been extremely busy in real life. If you've been kicking it in the IRC channel then you've heard all about triple homicides, my ventures babysitting, and of course, the nonstop miner grind! A user on LinusTechTip's forum declared he couldn't wait for season two to begin and that's been the real motivation I've used to push until I've had something to show for all this downtime. (shots to Jrhumphrey89 my boi in Dallas) Oh Goblin, how much you got into mining right now? Try $4850 by the time you add up all the little parts and pieces I've needed along the way. An of course, a lifetime of tech knowledge being worked to the edge to keep things optimal and running at all times. This really is not a small journey to go on as you can probably gather from the last few months of this blog.
So what's been happening while you've been gone? Well hackers busting my networks nuts, I flooded the 5930K with half the res directly across the board into the ram slots and everything, and I've completely taken apart a number of different systems to build my current setup which is pushing peaks of 13 KH/s. Balling baby, and I'm positive I can push everything even further as I'm just getting familiar with the Vega technology. Already my top peak across four water vega 64s is 9.5 KH/s as reported back from the pool itself in accepted shares. With some additional tweaking I want to see more!! Though I don't want to let this sound all roses and hot kitten, I've been grinding some insane hours, skipping meals, smoking way to much ganja, and living on coffee through this project. I felt like every minute I wasn't mining I was just kicking myself right in the nuts so sleep has been pretty rare lately.
I'll cover the hacker related network changes in another post, for now lets stick on the Vega train. I took apart my old 5820K rig and added two vegas to it, pretty straight forward build. Formatted it completely away from any notion of a normal machine, stripped down windows 10 pro using a combination of pXc-coding's DoNotSpy10 & ccleaner. (DNS10 to rip 10 up, then CC to uninstall every additional component of the os down to an installed program list of nothing) Then after applying all the newest system updates I put a pause on them for the next three months so they wouldn't stop my efforts in the middle of the night or while I was away. Finally I went through the really long task of understanding how to properly get these blockchain drivers to work. I followed the Definitive Monero & Vega Guide that was posted on reddit. It works great and that guy knows his shit, you need to be very exact with his instructions.
Mainly about crashing!! Anytime you crash the HBM2 your mining rates will take a huge dive and the driver software will report everything is great. You have to manually turn it off and on as well change your auto to manual voltage controls + fan curves every time inbetween crashes. Sometimes a solid reboot is required to get it to turn back on. It really is unstable as fuck and hard to work with, turning on and off monitors will instantly crash it. You can read his solution was an additional dongle, but my solution has been doing internal network remote desktop connections. This way I can work from another room over and not have to run back and forth to the mining room nine-hundred times to work through the crashes until I get it up and running stable. This prevents the stress of flipping on monitors over there or even using a KVM switch, it's by far the most stable solution I've came up with in regards to the HBM2 as well, it really helps to fight the crashes via remote connections. (RoadTripGuy gave me this idea btw, shots man thanks!) You'll get the pattern of exactly where you need to click to fix the problem down in no time. If I get a bit more free time I'll gladly write out an AutoIt script that automatically does all the tedious as fuck mouse work after a crash. That'll be really nice, I love automation like that.
I then took the new rig I just posted about purchasing off craigslist & completely gutted it. His wiring was shit, the cables where really thin, and sadly, that gold rated power supply he had in there just wasn't going to cut it for peak consumption after I looked at how my other unit was handling things. Also, it came with a 1TB 7200 drive, that's not going to cut it, you have to have an SSD to vega mine well. So I dropped by the CSU surplus store and they where sold out of SSDs and didn't have any good power supplies left in stock either. So I bit the bullet and went to bestbuy of all places, I know, fuck my life right? They had PNY SSD's on sale and then while I was there I got raped over another 750W power supply to replace the 650. Sadly all they had in stock was a bronze unit and I don't like running anything under gold, specifically for how hard mining is on a power supply. Though it was either that or wait for shipping so I grabbed one there and figured I'd test it out. This is another spot where I really lost money compared to buying second hand as this was brand new gear from a retail store, massive fail. Anyways I got back, rebuilt the system, tried to clean up things a bit & fired it up. This machine is VERY BITCHY compared to my other machine. If my hash rate doesn't look right I don't even guess, I log directly into this machine as it's going to be the one that's causing issues. It really likes to drop 500 H/s and start trying to equally mine across it's threads instead of having a dominate one like the configuration calls for.
I've found by adding 6% more power in Wattman to the first card in the system it seems to stabilize it a bit more then I've been use to over the first few days of testing. It also allowed that card to peak in the low 2000's for hash rate instead of sitting around the 1990s but it doesn't stay up there. It's being done purely to help keep the cards in that system stable. Though now I had a 1080 waterforce and a 980 classified sitting around. I thought I would add the triple stack of cards to my 5930K box, sadly this went really badly. My T2 1000 doesn't like trying to power a Titan X (Pascal) on EKWB cooling, a 1080 waterforce, and a maxwell 980 classified all at once while also mining on it's 5930k and powering the rest of the gear. Just wasn't going to happen. I had to rearrange the cards to do this so I had to move the titan, which meant I needed to replumb the custom loop. In the middle of doing this I accidentally soaked the whole rampage v10 edition motherboard in my loop coolant. Had to take the whole thing apart after my paper towel stuffing nonsense just wasn't going to cut it. I spent hours wiping down each part and then left them out to dry over night. The next day I rebuilt the system and still was to scared to turn it on, instead I got a fan out and blew air into the case over the course of the day & over the night.
Finally the moment came where I could wait forever but I needed that machine up. So I flipped the dip and pressed the button. Shit rebooted about ten times, then was locking up in the bios, and going apeshit. Clearly things where not happy, though I didn't know what to do but turn it off longer or try and maybe evap whatever leftover humidity was in there I wasn't getting out through letting it run a bit. I let the system spin fans and attempted reinstalling an operating system for about three hours. Finally it just started working again out of no where, I reset it back to stock by then so I started overclocking it, posted right to 4.6 like it use too, then I ran stress tests on it. ??? It's acting the same as always ??? fucking sacrifice a 1050 to the hardware gods, we've got life back in it. I don't know, I don't really understand it, but we're rolling again! The final build as you can see is just the Titan and the 1080, which when added to the other systems completes the I ONLY MINE ON WATER BITCHES PCMR EPEEN #1 first rollout of Goblin Mining Co. The EVGA 980 Classified is literally sitting on a a shelf next to a dead EVGA 04G-P4-3975-KR. Damn thing takes some serious juice to turn on and I know I'm being awful #firstworldproblem here, but it's got air cooling on it. I'm uuhh looking down upon it from my throne of radiators that keep my ass warm in the middle of winter with no heat on in my entire place but my gear nice & cool. #waterbois #fuckaircooling #thingsPCMRsays
Though that heat is no fucking joke. It's snowing here & I left my window to the mining room wide open all night. I woke up this morning bright an early an found it 98F inside the room. It was a fucking desert as soon as you hit that room, I mean it was really trippy to be cold in one room, snowing outside, and then a loud hurricane of fans in the next room that's as hot and dry as satans starfish. I grabbed the horticulture fan I used to dry the 5930K rig off and placed it on the floor right infront of my mining corner, angled it upwards, and proceeded to try and blow all the heat out of the room by circulating large amounts of it. This helped alot with exchanging air through the window and outside but it actually helped instantly heat my entire place up multiple degrees. You could just stand in the doorway and sweat. WHEW, do not under estimate the heat stacked mining gear (even on a small level like this) will generate in even a decent sized area. They are totally space heaters that just happen to make you money as they burn large amounts of juice. It almost burned my hand to touch the case where the radiators screwed in! I took both the side case panels off the vega rigs to allow for better air exchange & angled the ground fan to blow directly into both of them. This has really lowered temps and taught me a pretty valuable lesson in Vega output.
Also speaking of learning lessons. Before applying the undervolt modifications I wanted to measure my cards consumption. I was mining just like I'm doing now but they wouldn't hold 1100mhz on the memory at all so I told the software to use up to another additional 20% power to try and stabilize it. This set off the loudest series of alarms I've heard from my batteries since owning them, I looked up and the screen was flashing 1250W over-load and initiated immediate shutdown procedures. Guys, these systems are only running 750W power supplies!! Not only did it pull 1250W through the 750W PSU but it wrecked the battery system it was plugged into completely. Talk about fortunate we're running semi-quality gear here, if any single part of these builds was in slightly worse shape I fear that would've been the death of an entire rig. (before it even had a chance to earn a single XMR!) Whew, you should've seen my face when it all turned right back on afterwards.
Overall the entire operation is now: six GPUs, five CPUs, four ARMS, a monster pfSense 2U rack dual xeon router, a NightHawk X10 access point, comcast gig internet, a VPN provider with five licenses, five 1500PFCLCD battery systems, four hyper-v load balancers, & a whole lot of tech skills. Yeah PCMR, make a spot at the table, because I'm mining that XMR like it's the only crack in the hood.
Vega 64 Wave Edition Fresh In Packaging:
Second Rig PSU & SSD Upgrades:
This many fans? 1-To-4 PWM Splitters To The Rescue:
Mining Rig #1 (5820K):
Mining Rig #2 (6600K):
Mining Rig #3 (5930K) (soaked):
Last Day Of Drying The Rig Post Swimming:
Thank The Grand Architect For EK EVO Koolants:
Mining Powered By ATI:
Next Level Mining Tachometers Really Add That #PCMR:
The Red Glow Of Late Night Profits:
Keeping Your Gear Cool Is #1 Priority:
Let's See Those XMR-Node-Proxy Load Balancers:
Vega Rig #1 GPU Hash Rates:
Vega Rig #2 GPU Hash Rates:
New Peak Mining Record! Whole Operation @ 13 KH/s - Vegas @ 9.5 KH/s:
Hey everybody sorry for the delay between posts just been extremely busy in real life. If you've been kicking it in the IRC channel then you've heard all about triple homicides, my ventures babysitting, and of course, the nonstop miner grind! A user on LinusTechTip's forum declared he couldn't wait for season two to begin and that's been the real motivation I've used to push until I've had something to show for all this downtime. (shots to Jrhumphrey89 my boi in Dallas) Oh Goblin, how much you got into mining right now? Try $4850 by the time you add up all the little parts and pieces I've needed along the way. An of course, a lifetime of tech knowledge being worked to the edge to keep things optimal and running at all times. This really is not a small journey to go on as you can probably gather from the last few months of this blog.
So what's been happening while you've been gone? Well hackers busting my networks nuts, I flooded the 5930K with half the res directly across the board into the ram slots and everything, and I've completely taken apart a number of different systems to build my current setup which is pushing peaks of 13 KH/s. Balling baby, and I'm positive I can push everything even further as I'm just getting familiar with the Vega technology. Already my top peak across four water vega 64s is 9.5 KH/s as reported back from the pool itself in accepted shares. With some additional tweaking I want to see more!! Though I don't want to let this sound all roses and hot kitten, I've been grinding some insane hours, skipping meals, smoking way to much ganja, and living on coffee through this project. I felt like every minute I wasn't mining I was just kicking myself right in the nuts so sleep has been pretty rare lately.
I'll cover the hacker related network changes in another post, for now lets stick on the Vega train. I took apart my old 5820K rig and added two vegas to it, pretty straight forward build. Formatted it completely away from any notion of a normal machine, stripped down windows 10 pro using a combination of pXc-coding's DoNotSpy10 & ccleaner. (DNS10 to rip 10 up, then CC to uninstall every additional component of the os down to an installed program list of nothing) Then after applying all the newest system updates I put a pause on them for the next three months so they wouldn't stop my efforts in the middle of the night or while I was away. Finally I went through the really long task of understanding how to properly get these blockchain drivers to work. I followed the Definitive Monero & Vega Guide that was posted on reddit. It works great and that guy knows his shit, you need to be very exact with his instructions.
Mainly about crashing!! Anytime you crash the HBM2 your mining rates will take a huge dive and the driver software will report everything is great. You have to manually turn it off and on as well change your auto to manual voltage controls + fan curves every time inbetween crashes. Sometimes a solid reboot is required to get it to turn back on. It really is unstable as fuck and hard to work with, turning on and off monitors will instantly crash it. You can read his solution was an additional dongle, but my solution has been doing internal network remote desktop connections. This way I can work from another room over and not have to run back and forth to the mining room nine-hundred times to work through the crashes until I get it up and running stable. This prevents the stress of flipping on monitors over there or even using a KVM switch, it's by far the most stable solution I've came up with in regards to the HBM2 as well, it really helps to fight the crashes via remote connections. (RoadTripGuy gave me this idea btw, shots man thanks!) You'll get the pattern of exactly where you need to click to fix the problem down in no time. If I get a bit more free time I'll gladly write out an AutoIt script that automatically does all the tedious as fuck mouse work after a crash. That'll be really nice, I love automation like that.
I then took the new rig I just posted about purchasing off craigslist & completely gutted it. His wiring was shit, the cables where really thin, and sadly, that gold rated power supply he had in there just wasn't going to cut it for peak consumption after I looked at how my other unit was handling things. Also, it came with a 1TB 7200 drive, that's not going to cut it, you have to have an SSD to vega mine well. So I dropped by the CSU surplus store and they where sold out of SSDs and didn't have any good power supplies left in stock either. So I bit the bullet and went to bestbuy of all places, I know, fuck my life right? They had PNY SSD's on sale and then while I was there I got raped over another 750W power supply to replace the 650. Sadly all they had in stock was a bronze unit and I don't like running anything under gold, specifically for how hard mining is on a power supply. Though it was either that or wait for shipping so I grabbed one there and figured I'd test it out. This is another spot where I really lost money compared to buying second hand as this was brand new gear from a retail store, massive fail. Anyways I got back, rebuilt the system, tried to clean up things a bit & fired it up. This machine is VERY BITCHY compared to my other machine. If my hash rate doesn't look right I don't even guess, I log directly into this machine as it's going to be the one that's causing issues. It really likes to drop 500 H/s and start trying to equally mine across it's threads instead of having a dominate one like the configuration calls for.
I've found by adding 6% more power in Wattman to the first card in the system it seems to stabilize it a bit more then I've been use to over the first few days of testing. It also allowed that card to peak in the low 2000's for hash rate instead of sitting around the 1990s but it doesn't stay up there. It's being done purely to help keep the cards in that system stable. Though now I had a 1080 waterforce and a 980 classified sitting around. I thought I would add the triple stack of cards to my 5930K box, sadly this went really badly. My T2 1000 doesn't like trying to power a Titan X (Pascal) on EKWB cooling, a 1080 waterforce, and a maxwell 980 classified all at once while also mining on it's 5930k and powering the rest of the gear. Just wasn't going to happen. I had to rearrange the cards to do this so I had to move the titan, which meant I needed to replumb the custom loop. In the middle of doing this I accidentally soaked the whole rampage v10 edition motherboard in my loop coolant. Had to take the whole thing apart after my paper towel stuffing nonsense just wasn't going to cut it. I spent hours wiping down each part and then left them out to dry over night. The next day I rebuilt the system and still was to scared to turn it on, instead I got a fan out and blew air into the case over the course of the day & over the night.
Finally the moment came where I could wait forever but I needed that machine up. So I flipped the dip and pressed the button. Shit rebooted about ten times, then was locking up in the bios, and going apeshit. Clearly things where not happy, though I didn't know what to do but turn it off longer or try and maybe evap whatever leftover humidity was in there I wasn't getting out through letting it run a bit. I let the system spin fans and attempted reinstalling an operating system for about three hours. Finally it just started working again out of no where, I reset it back to stock by then so I started overclocking it, posted right to 4.6 like it use too, then I ran stress tests on it. ??? It's acting the same as always ??? fucking sacrifice a 1050 to the hardware gods, we've got life back in it. I don't know, I don't really understand it, but we're rolling again! The final build as you can see is just the Titan and the 1080, which when added to the other systems completes the I ONLY MINE ON WATER BITCHES PCMR EPEEN #1 first rollout of Goblin Mining Co. The EVGA 980 Classified is literally sitting on a a shelf next to a dead EVGA 04G-P4-3975-KR. Damn thing takes some serious juice to turn on and I know I'm being awful #firstworldproblem here, but it's got air cooling on it. I'm uuhh looking down upon it from my throne of radiators that keep my ass warm in the middle of winter with no heat on in my entire place but my gear nice & cool. #waterbois #fuckaircooling #thingsPCMRsays
Though that heat is no fucking joke. It's snowing here & I left my window to the mining room wide open all night. I woke up this morning bright an early an found it 98F inside the room. It was a fucking desert as soon as you hit that room, I mean it was really trippy to be cold in one room, snowing outside, and then a loud hurricane of fans in the next room that's as hot and dry as satans starfish. I grabbed the horticulture fan I used to dry the 5930K rig off and placed it on the floor right infront of my mining corner, angled it upwards, and proceeded to try and blow all the heat out of the room by circulating large amounts of it. This helped alot with exchanging air through the window and outside but it actually helped instantly heat my entire place up multiple degrees. You could just stand in the doorway and sweat. WHEW, do not under estimate the heat stacked mining gear (even on a small level like this) will generate in even a decent sized area. They are totally space heaters that just happen to make you money as they burn large amounts of juice. It almost burned my hand to touch the case where the radiators screwed in! I took both the side case panels off the vega rigs to allow for better air exchange & angled the ground fan to blow directly into both of them. This has really lowered temps and taught me a pretty valuable lesson in Vega output.
Also speaking of learning lessons. Before applying the undervolt modifications I wanted to measure my cards consumption. I was mining just like I'm doing now but they wouldn't hold 1100mhz on the memory at all so I told the software to use up to another additional 20% power to try and stabilize it. This set off the loudest series of alarms I've heard from my batteries since owning them, I looked up and the screen was flashing 1250W over-load and initiated immediate shutdown procedures. Guys, these systems are only running 750W power supplies!! Not only did it pull 1250W through the 750W PSU but it wrecked the battery system it was plugged into completely. Talk about fortunate we're running semi-quality gear here, if any single part of these builds was in slightly worse shape I fear that would've been the death of an entire rig. (before it even had a chance to earn a single XMR!) Whew, you should've seen my face when it all turned right back on afterwards.
Overall the entire operation is now: six GPUs, five CPUs, four ARMS, a monster pfSense 2U rack dual xeon router, a NightHawk X10 access point, comcast gig internet, a VPN provider with five licenses, five 1500PFCLCD battery systems, four hyper-v load balancers, & a whole lot of tech skills. Yeah PCMR, make a spot at the table, because I'm mining that XMR like it's the only crack in the hood.
Vega 64 Wave Edition Fresh In Packaging: