I stand by my initial claim. Dex is only available on phones that cost an order of magnitude more than a poor person's phone, therefore it is a rich man's toy.
How much does a Samsung Galaxy S8 cost?
When new? $700+.
As technology progresses, the ability will be on lower nad lower end phones while providing good experience.
this has not happened with Dex. In its five-year life so far, it has never been expanded to lower-end devices. Those lower-end devices have, in the meantime, continued to gain in terms of computing power, so a modern midrange is more powerful than a five year old S8. Why do you expect Samsung to make Dex available on lower end devices when it has shown no sign of doing so?
Again...smartphones were out like a decade before the iPhone or Android took off.
Smartphones, and their underlying tech improved in that time period. Dex has not, it worked fine in 2017 and works fine now. Dex obviously isn't held back by smartphone computing power, smartphone features, software features, etc. What is suddenly going to change that makes Dex take off when it already works fine now and still is ignored by everyone not posting under the name "Echohead2"?
Laptops were almost an oddity for a decade from first released version. And at least another decade before people really starting using them instead of a desktop. They were a secondary device. etc.
Computers existed for like 40 years before they really became commonplace.
Laptops, and computers in general, improved in power, in what tasks they could do, in ease of use, and decreased in cost drastically. Dex, and its underlying tech, has not improved in power (it worked fine in 2017), has not improved in what tasks it can do (you could use it for everything you do now back in 2017), has not improved in ease of use (it was easy to use back in 2017), and has not decreased in cost (the minimum cost of a new phone that runs Dex is still $700). Dex shows no evolution, no improvement, that would allow you to draw parallels to laptops or computers in general.
Used is irrelevant because everything is available used.
Whooosh...there went the point. Too bad you missed it.
If I missed it, it's because you didn't make it. Restate it in clear terms.
It is disingenuous to consider a used S8 but not consider a used laptop as an alternative.
But Dex adds devices! It adds at minimum a monitor, a keyboard/mouse combo, and whatever you use to charge those assuming they have built-in batteries. If people want fewer devices, a tablet is less than Dex, as is a Chromebook.
why would I need to charge something that would just be plugged in on my desk? And it does reduce devices...I could skip owning a laptop/desktop. On the go, I would just use my phone.
I'm pointing out that "devices" can mean either separate parts (like a monitor or keyboard), or things that contain a processor (like a smartphone or laptop). In the former case, as I already stated, laptop + phone = 2; monitor + keyboard + phone = 3. In the latter case, I already pointed out that device count isn't relevant (extra CPU-having devices aren't a problem) because the actual work is done in the cloud and thus available seamlessly on multiple devices. A Chromebook and an Android smartphone aren't harder to manage than just an Android smartphone.
why would I need a tablet or chromebook? I have my phone. But what am I going to use with my nice 24" monitor etc. at my house?
Are you really this myopic? No-one said "need" other than you. The point is that no-one other than you gives a fuck about Dex because it just isn't an improvement over having both a laptop and phone, or a Chromebook and a phone, or a tablet and a phone, or a desktop and a phone. Dex isn't cheaper, it isn't more functional, it isn't more convenient, it isn't more powerful, it isn't smaller, and it isn't more reliable.
If you have a Chromebook and a smartphone, you could
leave the Chromebook at home. Do your on-the-go stuff on your phone just like if you didn't have that Chromebook. Your Chromebook would still be at home and fully functional, so, for example, your kids could do their homework on it. Oh, and if you break or lose your phone, you can still use that Chromebook.