War, Peace and Sundar Pichai


Ars Legatus Legionis
Yes. I still use Clickup for personal stuff, since I like the tables/filters/sorting/grouping, as well as great notes and attachment handling. It makes things like tracking medical appoinments. house projects, travel planning, and other stuff trivial.

But, again, not usable for work anymore due to it being not-certified for internal use at Moody's.


Ars Praefectus
They've also let their original business of search become a mess of SEO content mills while failing to noticeably stop the deterioration let alone improve search results in more than decade. In fact they've actively made it worse by removing or at least reducing things like strict commands (such as must include or must not include).

It's not really a surprise though that Google didn't fight against SEO content mills because they sell ads on those websites. The financial incentive is for inefficient search and that's what we got. It was a mistake to let these "free" services become dominant and I find it crazy that tech savvy people consent to using google products. I get that people hate subscriptions, but I find them much more palatable than the alternatives. I'd happily pay directly for a search engine that filtered out junk content and didn't advertise.

It's the same thing with sports. I refuse to watch football because, among other things, it requires 3 hours of ads to pay for what is nominally a 1 hour game. By the end of the first quarter, I'm losing my mind.
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