Everything but bolt actions rifles should be banned for home use and storage (nod to hunters).
So you know nothing about guns other than the TV has scared you? Not a good foundation to call for a ban from.
ARs (American Rifle!!!! Yeeehaw!!!!) are sexy. Every action movie uses them. If you know absolutely 0 about guns but want one, you want an AR, an AR that is so "tacticool" it makes gun enthusiasts vomit.
Banning semiautomatic rifles from the AR to the venerable "Browning BAR" *cringe* (it is like they do not know what the "B" is for) is feel good legislation. Banning all shotguns is ??? Banning all pistols? do the police know about this? So adults lose their hobbies because fear.
As I said long ago in one of these previous threads "If people can't get guns they will just use vehicles" since then we have seen vehicles used to devastating effect.
The nightmare terrorist attack that ends the American way of life would work great with bolt action rifles. I do not talk about what this is because I do not want to see it happen. It is worse than a Romanian garage sale nuke removing New York city or LA from the planet in terms of America.
Everyone in Switzerland has a machine gun (not just some little semi automatic) in their closet. No one is shooting up Switzerland. So guns are not the problem. "Guns do not kill people, Incels do."
If we want to fix this:
1. Everyone does gun safety in 6th grade.
2. Everyone needs to be licensed to own firearms. You still have the right to bare them but you have to have some basic knowledge about them. If you are mentally unable to pass or insist on maintaining ignorance, just like a driver's license you do not get a gun license.
3. "Enhanced taxation" for media that caters to the male evolutionary power base (violence).
4. Reduced taxation for media that highlights the importance of intelligence and figuring things out.
5. Make it so gun stores can get sued when someone who clearly screams "I'm mentally ill!!!" gets a gun and shoots up the place. The Giffords shooter and this new "rape list" guy look crazy enough you could spot them from orbit. Gun stores may want to hire a shrink or social engineer to talk to customers. Disbar lawyers who try to abuse this for $$$.
6. STOP REPORTING MASS SHOOTINGS!!!!!! Infotainment glorifying these just leads to more. Make Infotainment sites/stations responsible for mass shootings if they report on them. It works the same way as with suicides (Netflix knew there would be a body count when they released 13 Reasons Why)
7. Rebrand America. Lets become The Smartest Happiest Nation instead of The Most Ass Kicking, Take No Shit, Bad Ass Nation.
8. Make those who sell and profit from hate responsible and let them get sued. The POTUS with be broke 3 days after he leaves office.
9. Go back to Pre-Reagan tax rates and financially brutalize those who are outsourcing/H1B'g the good jobs out of the country. Suck it Disney!
10. Make adulthood something you earn and not something that just happens due to attrition.
11. Spot the incels and work to fix them. "I'm sorry loser, your mom may have told you you are special and will have the most beautiful girl in the world but she was lying. Your narcissism doesn't entitle you to a super model. Now read all these books, groom, and git swol... and change your major to nursing studies from Smoking weed and watching Netflix.".
12. When you need a bumbling villain in a show make it an incel.
13. Stop tracking Muslims and start tracking incels. It would be nice if we could buy 10K sq miles of the Australian outback, wall it in, and ship all the incels there but something something human rights.
14. Kill the child tax credit.
15. Mandate sterility for welfare checks. Make sterility part of the penalty for committing crimes against people.
16. Glorify not having children.
Is this a 100% fix? Nope no Nirvana falsies here. It will stop most of them though. You will still occasionally have someone with an m700 decide they can Whitman a whole pile of people, just like you will have someone floor a snowplow and drive it through a music festival at some point. When you have minute chances of an occurrence but massive numbers to multiply that by bad things will always happen.