Post Political Cartoons Here


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius

Following discussion and feedback in this thread, here is a place for you to post political cartoons (and only political cartoons may be posted as images in this here) and only in this thread. We all know what a political cartoon is, and what it isn't, and I'm not here for arguments about your borderline images that aren't political cartoons. Do not post images that have been edited by someone not the artist. Moderator's discretion applies for images that do not fit the thread.

Here are the rules for this thread:

You are limited in how many cartoons you can post per day.
The previous version of this thread started off strong, but eventually came to be dominated by a single poster posting a torrent of cartoons. The Soap Box does not exist for that kind of posting -- we have a higher standard. Each individual person can post up to four political cartoons per day. We can revisit this limit later and revise it up or down as needed.

The cartoons must have a visible artist's signature.
Attribution to the original artist is required in the form of the artist's signature. It would be nice if you included a link to the artist's website or primary method of publication. If you actually find a rare artist that does not sign their cartoons, PM me and we'll work something out.

Cartoons must be uploaded to the thread using the thread reply option. Do not hot link images.
No hot linking, of any kind. You can click the little picture icon and attach the image, you can drag and drop the image into the reply window, you can copy and paste the image. If you find a cartoon and the artist restricts distribution of their work, you must respect it and not post the cartoon here. Artists have the right to decide how their art is reproduced; if they wish to disallow it, then we're just going to respect that. There will be zero tolerance given for breaking this rule, and I will make liberal and extended use of the thread ejection mechanism if necessary.

Discussion of the cartoons is fine in thread.
The issue that we were trying to avoid in the previous thread never really developed, anyway. Please feel free to discuss the cartoons.

All the other rules still apply.
You are still required to adhere to the Posting Guidelines and the Soap Box Rules of Engagement.


Ars Legatus Legionis
It's amazing how quickly the conservative circle works.

EDIT: I tried Copy/Paste but get an error that the original source is too big. Attachment doesn't put it inline.


  • Ladder.jpg
    332.2 KB · Views: 206
Yeah, somewhere in the big help and feedback thread on the new platform I think it's explained what the new size limitations are, but I don't recall what those are.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Since the feedback post is locked, IF we choose to post multiple Cartoons would it be best to post in a single Message or Separate messages for each?
I don't have a strong preference either way. I can envision a situation where you might post one or two cartoons in the morning and find something later in the day you want to share, and I'm not seeing a reason to stifle that.


Ars Scholae Palatinae


The next one is the opening image of this article (in Castellano, sorry). I translated a sentence from the same article which, IMHO, sums it up. I'm not watching a single match this year.

Surrendered by the lack of will and guided by the love for the ball that will make me watch all the games I can, I have no choice but to manage to reduce levels of remorse. I will try to ensure that no one, in that rotten business, is able to follow the trail of money, connecting with little arrows the attack on human rights that is committed in that part of the world to the sofa in my house.

Rendido ante la falta de voluntad y entregado a esa afición por la pelota que me hará ver todos los partidos que pueda, no me queda otra que buscarme la vida para disminuir niveles de remordimiento. Intentaré que nadie, en ese negocio podrido, sea capaz de seguir el rastro del dinero uniendo con una flechita el ataque a los derechos humanos que se cometen en esa zona del mundo con el sofá de mi casa.


edit: added original text under spoiler