When was the last time you bought a physical game?

When was the last time you bought a physical game?

  • Within the past 6 months

    Votes: 28 31.1%
  • 6 to 12 months ago

    Votes: 11 12.2%
  • 1 to 3 year ago

    Votes: 11 12.2%
  • 3 to 5 years ago

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • 5 to 7 years ago

    Votes: 5 5.6%
  • 7 to 10 years ago

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • 10 to 13 years ago

    Votes: 11 12.2%
  • 13 to 16 years ago

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • 16+ years ago

    Votes: 8 8.9%

  • Total voters


Ars Praefectus
Well, my brother buys me a physical copy the new Madden every year for my birthday... does that count? :D

Not including that, though, I guess the only time I get physical copies is when I back a game via crowdfunding (Kickstarter, etc.). I always opt for the physical copy tier, and have some pretty cool signed boxes sitting on a shelf that I'm too afraid to actually open. I guess the next one to join the collection will be the spiritual successor to Star Control, "Free Stars." But otherwise, I pretty much go digital.


Smack-Fu Master, in training
I haven't bought any physical games since I got the internet. Actually I don't know why people need physical games now, when you can collect all the games in your Steam library or smth. Perhaps only for trading or buying used once with a discount, but I think it may be some punishment for launching a used game while connecting to web. Or there is no such thing?


Switch. Super Mario Wonder. Less than 6 months ago.

If possible, I tend to buy physical games for my Switch. After I beat them, I send them to my younger brother. He has FAR less discretionary income than I do, and I know he really appreciates it when a new switch game shows up with the latest batch of books or comics that I'm passing along to him.

He then does the same thing. I think Mario Odyssey went to his SO's young niece, for example.
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Bought the PS5 version of Last of Us when it was on sale two weeks ago. Ordered the Luigi's Mansion 2 remake a few days ago. I mostly play on console these days and while digital delivery is smooth and painless and every game I buy on disc still needs a damn download to be playable, I still like having physical copies of games.

PC games? Can you even buy physical copies of most PC games these days? Feels like it's all just "GO TO THE STEAM PAGE! GO NOW! PHYSICAL MEDIA IS EXPENSIVE AND FOR LOSERS!"


Ars Legatus Legionis
7 to 10 years ago, when Portal 2 came out.

Portal 2 came out over 13 years ago, though.

That was also the last physical game I bought. I got a copy off eBay a few years ago to play it again, because the Xbox digital version was still like $40. I guess I sold my original disc when I traded in my 360.
I almost always buy games on sale - I have no interest in multiplayer, so there's no reason to be playing "when everyone else is playing". And I always prefer to buy physically, because I have the space for it, because physical games have more regular long tail discounts, and because I'm wary of games eventually being pulled from virtual storefronts. These days, though, almost all my physical purchases are over the internet - almost every brick & mortar store near me that used to sell physical games has stopped doing so, and there's almost no used games stores left (other than the local Gamestop, which tends to have a pretty terrible selection and not-great prices). I periodically check through Gamefly's used game selection and pick up any games I've had an interest in when they drop to $25 or less - every game I've got from them has been in great condition.

Oh, and most of my purchases are PS5/PS4 games. We're a Mac-only household, and despite having grown up during the birth of computer games (I was a huge Infocom junky, and still fondly remember being blown away by the range of choices and playstyles in the original Deus Ex), I find the experience of playing while leaning back in a comfy chair in front of a 65" TV screen vastly superior. I still have a Steam wishlist that I'll occasionally pick up a game from when a sale hits, but honestly it's probably been a year or two since I last did so.
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PC games? Can you even buy physical copies of most PC games these days? Feels like it's all just "GO TO THE STEAM PAGE! GO NOW! PHYSICAL MEDIA IS EXPENSIVE AND FOR LOSERS!"

I think it's been 15 years since I had a PC with a disc drive to even use physical media. I still bought physical for consoles but I've phased those out except the Switch due to everything else being on PC anyway.


Ars Legatus Legionis
What if its a classic game I bought to play?

But of new games, I buy physical Switch games. PC games obviously not, but thats because they just aren't available anymore. If publishers brought back big box games with goodies inside(kinda like what Limited Run does) I'd be all over that.

And honestly, my reasoning for physical Switch games is that I think in 20-30 years they're gonna be worth something. I could be completely wrong on that but I'm taking that chance.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
X-Com 2 for PC in 2016, but only because Amazon had a big discount on the physical copy that was better than any of the offers for the digital version.

I try to get the digital versions of games, books and music (lossless FLAC from qobuz) since it takes up no space as uses less resources than physical versions.

I don't buy movies anymore, but with streaming services yanking content for cost-cutting I might rethink that. Or get an AppleTV and buy them from Apple since my brother has mentioned Apple has upgraded his old movie purchases over the years from the original 480p to 1080p then to 4K in some cases.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Switch games are in a weird spot because of limited space on the console itself and the fact that the custom SD cards used by Nintendo are fast enough.

I did go out of my way to track down a physical copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 despite that being out of print for YEARS but that’s just me being weird.

I still by discs for the PS5 though those, while usually cheaper than online, aren’t as useful since the game gets installed regardless.


Ars Praefectus
The last physical PC games I bought were XCOM: Enemy Within (which was little more than a code in a box with a disc to install Steam) and The Saboteur because it was on a Best Buy clearance rack for $5. XCOM would have been around 2014, Saboteur probably 2016ish. The last physical game I bought was back in 2021 when I bought the Mass Effect Trilogy for my friend's birthday, dude had never played them but had played Andromeda.

I guess to some degree it's hard to care about physical copies of games now that we've spent the last 2-3 generations ensuring that almost every single disc-based game still requires day-1 patching as well as an install to a hard drive, so most of the convenience is lost.


Ars Scholae Palatinae
I haven't bougth a physical PC game since, gosh, 2009? It may have even been the Orange Box for, like, €15 or something. My computing life definitely changed in 2011 anyway.

I moved to consoles (Switch) in 2017, and all the big titles I have physical. The last one being Super Mario Wonder. I've bought a bunch of indies online, though, and during covid even got AC:NH and Yoshi's Crafted World digitally.

The thing about physical is that not only I save console space , but I can share with a couple of friends. Sharing! Does that make me a pirate? Plus, I keep telling myself I can recover probably 40% off Zeldas and Marios if sold. Not that I will if "Switch 2" has backwards compatibility though...