My God, it's full of Starfield...

Tom Foolery

Ars Legatus Legionis
In just about a week, if the rumors be true, Bethesda is going to announce an open world game with a science fiction theme. From what I understand, this is a fairly well-substantiated rumor, but I was wondering if you guys have more than I have one this. So far, all I have are some random mentions on Reddit, this video, and random bits and pieces around the web.

This is something that I have been looking for, a sci-fi game that is open world like Skyrim and FO4!

Has any of you lads and lasses seen anything else on this topic?
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Ars Legatus Legionis
Yep, and here is the official trailer.

Too cool. I am excite. :)

About what?

Sunrise? Solar Panels on the space station???

This trailer gives less than zero information on the game; as we knew from the name it would be about space.

I am so @#$%ing tired of "teaser trailers" that tell you absolutely nothing.

I dunno, as I watched it my thoughts were "OK, Imperial Navy, some sort of ball... possibly a moldy orange... Ah, satellite! Annnd... a title. Where the trailer showed neither stars or fields."

I have to agree, complete waste of a minute. It didn't even tease anything. Might as well saved us all a bunch of time (and in their case, money as well) and just slapped the logo up there. That was literally the most informative bit of the entire thing.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Yep, and here is the official trailer.

Too cool. I am excite. :)

About what?

Sunrise? Solar Panels on the space station???

This trailer gives less than zero information on the game; as we knew from the name it would be about space.

I am so @#$%ing tired of "teaser trailers" that tell you absolutely nothing.

I dunno, as I watched it my thoughts were "OK, Imperial Navy, some sort of ball... possibly a moldy orange... Ah, satellite! Annnd... a title. Where the trailer showed neither stars or fields."

I have to agree, complete waste of a minute. It didn't even tease anything. Might as well saved us all a bunch of time (and in their case, money as well) and just slapped the logo up there. That was literally the most informative bit of the entire thing.
The Starfield and TES 6 reveals were specifically chosen to put to rest rumors and speculation about what was coming next and when. We've known about Starfield in the abstract for a couple of years and we've known that TES 6 was likely to be even further off than that but these reveals cement that. Starfield maybe next year (with a proper reveals at E3) and TES 6 in 2020 or 2021.

Tom Foolery

Ars Legatus Legionis
Yep, and here is the official trailer.

Too cool. I am excite. :)

About what?

Sunrise? Solar Panels on the space station???

This trailer gives less than zero information on the game; as we knew from the name it would be about space.

I am so @#$%ing tired of "teaser trailers" that tell you absolutely nothing.
Agreed, but I have kind of been on alert for something like this to come along. I am a huge sci-fi nerd (books, and to a lesser extent, movies, but not TV). I also love open world RPGs. Something like this is my geekiest of gaming dreams coming true.
I thought I saw something about ship/fleet building. Maybe a strategic game from them for once? Would definitely be a departure for them.
Nah, it's just the replacement for settlement building. Of course your ships AI, the Prototype Galleon-class Artificial Reasoning Voice Enabled Yeoman (P-GARVEY) will always let you know when another starship needs your help.


Ars Legatus Legionis
I thought I saw something about ship/fleet building. Maybe a strategic game from them for once? Would definitely be a departure for them.
Nah, it's just the replacement for settlement building. Of course your ships AI, the Prototype Galleon-class Artificial Reasoning Voice Enabled Yeoman (P-GARVEY) will always let you know when another starship needs your help.


Ars Centurion
Thanks Nekojin for excavating this thread.

They do have some videos up on the Bethesda site including an "official teaser trailer" from 13 June 2021 which says it's in-engine. Including what may be a sort of robotic Dogmeat.

Normally we'd expect to see a lot more at this year's E3, but it looks like E3 may or may not happen, or if it does will be online only.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I want to be all excited and jump on the hype bandwagon, but the past has taught me tempered optimism is the best path. I want it to be good out of the gate, because from the little that's been released it looks like something that I would enjoy. However, I don't want to buy it, then wait for a year for it to get patched into something playable like Cyberpunk.

Tom Foolery

Ars Legatus Legionis
Still gonna preorder because I am such a Bethsoft fanboi. I have had no regrets pre-ordering Skyrim or FO4, I got wind right here from the people who played the beta that FO76 was a turd. I actually hung back on that one because I really don't play online games.

I pre-ordered CP2077 as well, with no regrets. I played the crap out of that game for three months, and while the game was buggy, I have been playing games since I built my first personal computer, back in 1991 ('nineteen-dickety', as my younger colleagues call it). Games have always been buggy, you just have to look past that to see what the devs are trying to do.

I wonder if there will be alien player races, or if it's just humans that you can play. Not that it matters, the modding community will make it so you can play your favorite anime highschool student about 30 minutes after it is releases, I am sure. ;)

Tom Foolery

Ars Legatus Legionis
Still gonna preorder because I am such a Bethsoft fanboi.


You can buy a year of Xbox Live for the same price and upgrade that to Game Pass Ultra for $1.
To be frank, I have not really put much thought into it. I am not familiar with Game Pass, and my last XBox was an XBox 360. I should probably look into it. Thanks, Semi.
I wonder if there will be alien player races, or if it's just humans that you can play.
Space Kitteh, Space Lizard, Space Elf and Space Dwarf are all races that they could just port over from TES.

Maybe that's what Starfield really is: TES in teh futures.
Well people had that fear with Fallout 3 : Elder Scrolls with guns! and that didn't happen so I rather doubt that.

Tom Foolery

Ars Legatus Legionis
I wonder if there will be alien player races, or if it's just humans that you can play.
Space Kitteh, Space Lizard, Space Elf and Space Dwarf are all races that they could just port over from TES.

Maybe that's what Starfield really is: TES in teh futures.
Well people had that fear with Fallout 3 : Elder Scrolls with guns! and that didn't happen so I rather doubt that.
I wonder if there will be alien player races, or if it's just humans that you can play.
Space Kitteh, Space Lizard, Space Elf and Space Dwarf are all races that they could just port over from TES.

Maybe that's what Starfield really is: TES in teh futures.
Well people had that fear with Fallout 3 : Elder Scrolls with guns! and that didn't happen so I rather doubt that.
I'm not gonna lie to you, the ghouls from the Fallout franchise look a lot like the draugr from Skyrim. I am really, really hoping they get creative with the aliens, if they exist.

But I am afraid krimhorn is probably right.
I wonder if there will be alien player races, or if it's just humans that you can play.
Space Kitteh, Space Lizard, Space Elf and Space Dwarf are all races that they could just port over from TES.

Maybe that's what Starfield really is: TES in teh futures.
Well people had that fear with Fallout 3 : Elder Scrolls with guns! and that didn't happen so I rather doubt that.
I wonder if there will be alien player races, or if it's just humans that you can play.
Space Kitteh, Space Lizard, Space Elf and Space Dwarf are all races that they could just port over from TES.

Maybe that's what Starfield really is: TES in teh futures.
Well people had that fear with Fallout 3 : Elder Scrolls with guns! and that didn't happen so I rather doubt that.
I'm not gonna lie to you, the ghouls from the Fallout franchise look a lot like the draugr from Skyrim. I am really, really hoping they get creative with the aliens, if they exist.

But I am afraid krimhorn is probably right.

You got it backwards. Draugr looked and acted a lot like feral ghouls in FO3 and more akin to D&D zombies.

In Fallout you had Ghouls feral (zombie) and intelligent (not really a zombie), Super mutants (dumb orcs), Robots which if you want to keep it in D&D are like golems, and really that was about it.

If we really want to get in the weeds Mass effect had Orcs - Krogan, Elves - Asari, Halflings - Quarians, smart lizardmen - Drell, and if we stretch it quicklings - salerians. There were no space dwarves in ME though.

Outside of those I suppose they can add ghosts which are energy fields, earth elementals - rock creatures, sentient plants - sentient plants? Really though any future alien has a callback to Tolkien/D&D.


Ars Centurion
The Settled Systems video describes two major factions which are both human, and a few minor "raider" type factions which are also human.

Nothing I've seen from Bethesda so far says anything about non-human characters or civilizations. The only alien creatures I've seen mentioned are the Ashta (spelling?) which are wild predators like wolves, in the Akila City location video, and the psychotropic fish in the Neon location video.

Doesn't mean there won't be surprises still to come, and who knows where they'll go with future expansions. And of course there will be mods.