I'm logging the weight of my "science hive" every 10 minutes, and I thought it would be neat to plot the weight gain against the reported temperature, with the temperature being a rough proxy for overall weather, and therefore for the availability of food, since I live in dry-ish Southern California. As you can see, the temperature data are really noisy:
The excessively granular, 10-minute log is my raw data from openweathermap.org, and I will eventually replace with with something like a 24-hr moving average, as I've done with colony weight, but the data are so noisy that it's going to throw off even the 24 hr average.
Is there another free weather source that I could use?
I'm currently collecting the weight from 4 stamp.com postage scales, temp and humidity from openweathermap.org, and temp and humidity from a TemperHum sensor, in a single bash script, where the weather call is of fhe form:
which returns the bolded sections of a record like this:
2024-05-01-13:50:01 271.4 188.8 55.8 149.6 65.62 72 73.92 69
echo $TheDateTime $TheWeight1 $TheWeight2 $TheWeight3 $TheWeight4 $TheWeather $TheTemperHum >> $OutFile
so ideally I'd like to replace openweathermap.org with something that I can drop directly into my existing script.
Any good, free candidates out there?
Or is this better suited to the Programmer's Symposium?
The excessively granular, 10-minute log is my raw data from openweathermap.org, and I will eventually replace with with something like a 24-hr moving average, as I've done with colony weight, but the data are so noisy that it's going to throw off even the 24 hr average.
Is there another free weather source that I could use?
I'm currently collecting the weight from 4 stamp.com postage scales, temp and humidity from openweathermap.org, and temp and humidity from a TemperHum sensor, in a single bash script, where the weather call is of fhe form:
TheWeather=`curl -s 'api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=5388601&APPID=<MyUniqueAPICode>&units=imperial' | jq -j '.main.temp," ", .main.humidity'`
which returns the bolded sections of a record like this:
2024-05-01-13:50:01 271.4 188.8 55.8 149.6 65.62 72 73.92 69
echo $TheDateTime $TheWeight1 $TheWeight2 $TheWeight3 $TheWeight4 $TheWeather $TheTemperHum >> $OutFile
so ideally I'd like to replace openweathermap.org with something that I can drop directly into my existing script.
Any good, free candidates out there?
Or is this better suited to the Programmer's Symposium?