Sins of a fallen architect


Ars Centurion
The days of process are upon us.
Having eschewed the power of the individual and
suppressed the interactions between teams,
we put our faith, as ever, in tooling, and
plead for documentation of process to save us.

There is never enough documentation,
And yet, the RACI marches on,
crushing the vagaries of good-faith collaboration between
the iron wheels of assignment and
the ill-fitting boundaries of responsibility.

The one true plan is what we seek—
the ultimate designator of what must be and what ought not.

We will tame this unruly beast in lines of control, and
sacrifice it upon its own alter, in the name of Agile, that
individuality and change never again be allowed to compromise our plans,
undermine our procedures,
defeat our walls of limited liability, or
threaten our dearest software,
to which we owe all devotion.

Agile is dead. Long may its corpse sustain us.
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