Whatup nerds. I am looking for a personal llm that I can feed my documents so I can conversationally retrieve information. The goal is to run it in a vm in my proxmox host and feed it documentation so I can more easily find what I am looking for. There are a number of personal LLMS currently in existence, but I don't want to spend the next six months researching and deploying shitty solutions until I find the right one.
So I was hoping some of you have already done so and can help me.
Thanks in advance.
The term you’re looking for, I think, is RAG: retrieval augmented generation.
Is that what you’re looking for? A well reviewed and received program you can build/install/configure then use? I have no personal experience so all I can mention is how you can search GitHub for RAG, and this was the top hit:
The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with full RAG and AI Agent capabilities. - Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm
If you’ve got a 30xx GPU you can give Chat with RTX a spin:
Nvidia has just revealed its new Chat with RTX app, which brings the ability to create a custom ChatGPT that lives natively on your desktop.
Ars has a small review which also called it rough around the edges:
Nvidia's private AI chatbot is a high-profile (but rough) step toward cloud independence.
Having never tried any of them all I can provide is links. Good luck, this is an interesting development in software that I’m interested in as well.