Just Visiting

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Seniorius Lurkius
Hi guys

Visiting XS member here Saying hello

Thought I'd come on over and talk Formula Boinc for a moment

Your team and ours are both up against [H] this year so of course I would like to see you beat them in a few projects

What I am about to say probably needs to be moved by Mods to your team talk area

Sztaki is closing down at the end of next month therefore it is going to be a bit like a sprint in that once it does the points are locked in.

Presently [H] are producing enough to overtake you.

I guesstimate that the project will qualify for points around 10 July if not before at present rates

I hope one of you knows how to get more work and can set up a few 2nd/3rd/4th instances of Boinc to keep the gap. If not then PM me.

You all have a great competition now

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