State of the View image: :<BR><BR>If anyone is interested or inclined to run MoneyBee, it is fairly low maintenance, and has both Linux & Windows clients for x86. I don't have any SMP Windows environments, but with Linux you can just run multiple instances.<BR><BR>For the short-term, I'm going to have a couple of instances running, but fewer than I was planning a couple of days ago. I've fired up the vmplayers & put Pi Segment on (<B>everybody loves Pi/e!</B>). When the SIMAP units start flowing, everything that can runs it. I will also have to tone down some of my DIMES output while SIMAPping, but should be able to keep at least 100k/day, so we won't be in any danger of dropping spots. We can re-evaluate how to allocate my home farm after the SIMAP work is done, but I'd like to keep some D2OL going.<BR><BR>My net-attached PowerMac is going to stick with RS-BOINC, and my farms are going to be doing a mixture of RS-Sieve, PSP-Sieve and OGR. If anyone has any preferences for mixtures on them, speak up. My only requirements for the farms are: no-net/sneaker-net, Linux/PPC64, low maintenance, controllable with shell scripts & cron jobs. There are some non-PPC boxen there, but not a lot; a mixture of Xeons and Opterons.