[TPR] GIMPS Perpetual Thread: Part 13 - A 'prime' thread to announce M48 and find M49

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS), of which Team Prime Rib (TPR) is a member, has held the 'world record for largest prime known to mankind' 13 times and it is expected to soon be 14! If so, GIMPS would claim stake to 10 of the top 10 primes of any kind! GIMPS was awarded $50,000 USD and $100,000 USD prizes from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and is now vying for a $150,000 USD prize. See GIMPS' prize page for more details.

The GIMPS project home page will tell you all about our project.

The mersenneforum.org home page is a place where you can meet other GIMPS participants.

Also on mersenneforum.org you can find an introduction to GIMPS, which Heretic wrote...

Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 1) : May 14, 2001 -> May 19, 2002, 111 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 2) : May 19, 2002 -> August 29, 2002, 38 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 3) : August 29, 2002 -> November 16, 2002, 31 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 4) : November 16, 2002 -> February 26, 2003, 28 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 5) : February 26, 2003 -> May 08, 2003, 18 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 6) : May 08, 2003 -> October 03, 2003, 28 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 7) : September 30, 2003 -> June 18, 2004, 52 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 8) : June 18, 2004 -> June 07, 2005, 31 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 9) : June 07, 2005 -> September 03 2005, 6 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 10) : September 04 2005 -> November 02 2005, 6 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 11) : November 02 2005 -> May 24 2006, 14 pages
Perpetual Team Prime Rib Thread (Part 12) : May 24 2006 -> January 31 2013, 24 pages
Expect a co-ordinated announcement tomorrow (Tuesday) in the AM.

http://www.mersenneforum.org/showpost.p ... tcount=240

Originally Posted by J.F.
I keep checking GIMPS to see a formal announcement. I hope it is released within the next few hours, otherwise the message might not be picked up properly by the media and it gets lost in the weekend :(... that would be a shame.

and now the bad news.....

Press coverage is always hit or miss. One of our least covered discoveries occurred when we sent the press release out on a Friday. Consequently, Scott is emailing our press contact list Tuesday at 6AM PST. We'll try to coordinate mersenne.org's web site, this forum, Chris Caldwell's site, and maybe wikipedia.
Welcome back Heretic/arefsum.
About your id, did you try the email moderators button (mailto:mods@arstechnica.com)?
Perhaps there's way they could help.

GIMPS found a new Mersenne prime.
The new CPU and GPU processors are putting out great iteration times.

And SoB would seem to be 'due' for a prime.

Love to hear what you've been up to.
It took us something like 32 months to go from n=42.6M to n=57.8M (diff of 15M or .5M/month).
And 3 months (figure 1 month between assignment and discovery) to go from n=57.8M to n=60M (diff of 2M or .7M/month).
(Assume computer improvements kept up with increasing difficulty?)
So yeah, that seems there was about a 50% increase in pace.


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
[url=http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=25150677#p25150677:h2zgkj4f said:
Crossroads[/url]":h2zgkj4f]Xyzzy 2013-07-05 19:37 <- Last activity. Taking a break Xyzzy? :confused:
I guess as I get older it gets harder to justify a several hundred dollar electricity bill per month.

Plus, there is no chance I can hang in the top 10 anymore so that takes a lot of the fun out of it.



Ars Scholae Palatinae
[url=http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=25153535#p25153535:342aohyr said:
[url=http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=25150677#p25150677:342aohyr said:
Crossroads[/url]":342aohyr]Xyzzy 2013-07-05 19:37 <- Last activity. Taking a break Xyzzy? :confused:
I guess as I get older it gets harder to justify a several hundred dollar electricity bill per month.

Plus, there is no chance I can hang in the top 10 anymore so that takes a lot of the fun out of it.


Yeah, I know what you mean. We recently installed solar panels and we were hoping to produce more than we are using. We did a check on how much each device was using since it turned out our usage was for a family of 4 and we are just with 2. Turned out my computer, which is running 24/7, is using about half the electricity. And there was a time I had 3 computers running DC.

But at the same time I still like to see how I am doing within the team. Competing with schools and companies is an illusion so I ignore those.

And finding a new prime plus some cash keeps me going for now. And curtisc cannot find them all. ;)


Ars Scholae Palatinae


Ars Tribunus Militum
Hi all! Haven't popped up here for a while so just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I got a used GTX 580 for Xmas so am doing some mfaktc factoring for the project. TPR is not the leader it used to be in the project but I think a couple of powerful GPUs can propel us back in the top 5. Yes not a typo, a couple of powerful GPUs is all it will take.


Ars Scholae Palatinae
[url=http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=25938183#p25938183:9iixjnn8 said:
garo[/url]":9iixjnn8]Hi all! Haven't popped up here for a while so just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I got a used GTX 580 for Xmas so am doing some mfaktc factoring for the project. TPR is not the leader it used to be in the project but I think a couple of powerful GPUs can propel us back in the top 5. Yes not a typo, a couple of powerful GPUs is all it will take.


Ars Scholae Palatinae
[url=http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=26108329#p26108329:30e34jq8 said:
Xyzzy[/url]":30e34jq8]Is there room for a video card in an iMac? They generate a lot of heat!

Here is a list of cards and their relative performance:


A GTX660Ti is where (I believe) the price/performance/wattage sweet spot is.

What about a ViDock?
I was wondering ... is there anyone alive?

Me, I was in a bad situation, now resolved. And back in the game ...

I found a decent job and am in Africa again. Its terribly busy, as I am opening a string of small mines. So, got some worthless fiat currency again and it is time to upgrade. But what ?

The chart Xy posted - the ECM, that's me, my latest foray. I need a machine for that - lots of cores, HT, and at least 32 GB of ram. I saw a xeon, 12 cores + HT, sounds nice but it will delay my build another month. Ideas? Anything close but cheaper? That I can order next week. Parts will come through Dubai or Montreal, via DHL.

Climate is reasonable, no aircon required or extreme cooling. Daytime is 25 - 27 max and night is 16 - 18. Very nice given that I am 2 deg south of the equator. But very bad power here inna bush, I will have an auto start genset when the house is done and a very robust UPS is essential (230 V / 50 Hz).
IIRC you were Lumley, at the time in Mascouche ...

[url=http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=26202351#p26202351:55hts8u3 said:
Uncle Lumpy[/url]":55hts8u3]Hey y'all. It's been forever since I haunted these parts (under a long forgotten former ID). Nice to see some of the same names still here after 10+ years! I recently jumped back into Prime95 crunching and thought I'd contribute my cycles to TPR. Not much, as far as it goes, but every little bit counts, right? :)

Uncle Lumpy