Need High Res Ubuntu in VirtualBox


Ars Legatus Legionis
I'm running an emulator app in Ubuntu in VirtualBox that requires a minimum resolution of 1024x768 to display correctly. I installed
Ubuntu with most defaults and now need to increase the resolution. So, Windows runs VirtualBox, VirtualBox runs Ubuntu, Ubuntu runs the emulator app (a pdp-11 with graphics).

I tried a couple things with no success. Any recommendations to up the Ubuntu resolution?


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
I guess you are limited by the video card that Windows VirtualBox provides to the Ubuntu VM. Normally you can choose different models, increase video RAM, that kind of thing.

(Or just use some "paravirtualized" display that doesn't simulate real hardware- basically the Ubuntu VM knows how big the VirtualBox window is, and adjusts its resolution automatically.)

I'm not sure what's the current situation on Windows- I'm not sure HyperV is available on all editions, or whether people are still using VirtualBox. People I interact with stopped using VirtualBox long time ago. It might be worthwhile to use WSL instead. It's a well-integrated VM provided by Windows to run Linux apps- it can do graphical apps very nicely. Stuff might just work OOB (start Ubuntu in WSL, run app, done).