So I've had Postfix set up for a while on all my hosts to forward root email, notifications, that kind of thing. I've had it relaying email directly and via SES at different times.
But the configuration is a bit more complex than I'd like (e.g. I have Debian 12, EL8 and EL9 devices, and my manifests require handling those cases). Last time I looked, I believe msmtp/esmtp were not available yet for EL9, but it seems they are now.
Any endorsement of either or something else? Now I'd set up everything to relay through SES.
My aspiration is to have a simple Puppet manifest that can set up email for all three distros without too many conditionals.
But the configuration is a bit more complex than I'd like (e.g. I have Debian 12, EL8 and EL9 devices, and my manifests require handling those cases). Last time I looked, I believe msmtp/esmtp were not available yet for EL9, but it seems they are now.
Any endorsement of either or something else? Now I'd set up everything to relay through SES.
My aspiration is to have a simple Puppet manifest that can set up email for all three distros without too many conditionals.