Local cross platform database recommendation.

I have a requirement for small database. Currently I use Excel, but that is too fragile in the long run. There are 2 non negotiable rules:
1. Storage on a USB flash drive.
2. Can be opened in Windows, Macintosh, iPad and Android table.

So what database you recommend, and what software for local data entry forms. This is for a quick development, I don't want to spend a couple of weeks to get it usable.
No, the user will carry the USB drive, it's a mixed bag environment at home and office. And the user is not particularly database savvy. So needs data entry forms and 2 or 3 reports to be printed.

The Sqlite suggestion is interesting. Will look into that.
It will be 4 tables right now, with another one to link the foreign keys together. There are a few single field lookup tables additionally to keep entry errors minimum.

P.S: Postgres and MySQL is definitely overkill. And MS Access is Windows only.


Ars Legatus Legionis
Maybe SQLite and either DB Browser for SQLite or Table Plus for editing? I'm sure a nicer GUI exists which lets you create a form and turn it into en entry in the database, but don't have one at the ready
That's about what I can think of too. I initially thought Microsoft Access (ugh I know) but then you said cross-platform...