We had/have it at my workplace. Basically its a small business park and for reasons I still don't understand, the park ownership/management wanted to track license plates coming and going... as if they could do anything with the information? They bought all the cameras, spent a bucket of money getting them installed, calibrated and setting up the frankly terrible software to do the camera recording and recognition stuff. A server just for that actually, at first.
And it never worked all that well. Without cameras right at the perfect spot they just never worked all that well and given that the parking is all outdoors, the lighting was almost always bad, the distance and angles were wrong most of the time and the few times it did produce an accurate result... so what? It's an open lot so they don't know who the plates belong to and never got accurate enough to be able to restrict access or require anyone to register their plates, etc. They couldn't bar any delivery vehicles or guests or anything anyway so there was no point.
Even with all that, it was really disappointing. Even under near ideal conditions, the system never worked as well as the sales people promised. The cameras generated a TON of data/video on the recording server, they are 2k cameras with low light/night mode etc. but it was never even close to good enough.
I imagine if you had indoor parking with a perfect setup where the plates are always moving slowly toward or away from a camera rig right at the entrance/exit, and lighting is always good... maybe it would work. Even then, you will still need more to actually control access effectively so it's kind of pointless.