Looking for recommendations for running a cable through a window for Starlink

I'm moving into a new house in about two weeks and there's a significant chance that the local company that runs Fiber might not finish their work up in time. As a backup I ordered Starlink from Home Depot and I'm planning on putting it in our backyard and then running the 45m Starlink cable up the back of the house through a window on our second floor into my office.

As this is temporary does anyone have any recommendations on how to run the cable through a window and still be able to close it so bugs stay out and we keep the AC in?

Right now the best idea I've found is to run it through a pool noodle.

I do not want to drill holes as I'm hoping this only lasts a few weeks. Any recommendations with links would be appreciated.
What the above are saying. Don't over‐think this.
  1. Ensure the [slightly open] window does not place stress on the cable.
  2. Fill the gap with insect-proof shit.
Consider over-thinking the solution if the fiber install does not go as planned.
Thanks. At the moment I'm over thinking everything. If the Fiber doesn't happen Starlink will get run through the wall and mounted properly.


Ars Tribunus Militum
Do what us New Englanders have been trained to do with window AC units.

Leave the window open slightly so the cable doesn’t get mashed up. Use painters tape to close that gap. Then stuff some kitchen towels in between the two sashes.
No, no, no. You don’t want to do that. I’m from New England and what you really want to do is…oh, wait, that’s exactly what we do.