I’ve finally gotten a cheap 9th-gen iPad with a keyboard, during Best Buy discounts… but now that I looked up SSH terminal apps and web editors, I see far too many without knowing what’s good and trustworthy. Does anyone here have ideas? (I searched first but didn’t turn anything up - started the search with 2022 after finding way too much from 2008.)
Thanks in advance… I have essentially one server I log into with SSH. I’d certainly prefer key support. For html editors, man, would I love to see Dreamweaver style but I’d rather use something like Brackets or BBEdit than something that rewrites the code in horrible ways (Adobe/Microsoft style “let’s see how big we can make this file!”).
Thanks in advance… I have essentially one server I log into with SSH. I’d certainly prefer key support. For html editors, man, would I love to see Dreamweaver style but I’d rather use something like Brackets or BBEdit than something that rewrites the code in horrible ways (Adobe/Microsoft style “let’s see how big we can make this file!”).