HTML editor, SSH terminal for iPad (IOS)?


Wise, Aged Ars Veteran
I’ve finally gotten a cheap 9th-gen iPad with a keyboard, during Best Buy discounts… but now that I looked up SSH terminal apps and web editors, I see far too many without knowing what’s good and trustworthy. Does anyone here have ideas? (I searched first but didn’t turn anything up - started the search with 2022 after finding way too much from 2008.)

Thanks in advance… I have essentially one server I log into with SSH. I’d certainly prefer key support. For html editors, man, would I love to see Dreamweaver style but I’d rather use something like Brackets or BBEdit than something that rewrites the code in horrible ways (Adobe/Microsoft style “let’s see how big we can make this file!”).


Ars Tribunus Militum
For something like BBEdit, you could check out Textastic. Only used it for quick edits, so not sure about regular everyday use.

Textastic - Text, Code, and Markup Editor with Syntax Highlighting - FTP, SFTP, SSH, Dropbox, Google Drive - for iPad (

On the SSH side I've used Panic's Prompt version 2 for remote access, and it worked quite well. However, the latest version 3 has moved to a subscription, or a one-time $130 CAD purchase, so might be overkill for a single server.

Prompt 3 (


Wise, Aged Ars Veteran
I've used Termius on my iphone for a while. My use case falls very easily into the free version, so I can't speak for the sub-locked features. But, it's done what I've needed it to do and so I've never felt the need to look further.
Thanks, I'll check it out. If there were just three or four terminals on IOS it would be an easier choice!